03 • Doug the Poser

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Chapter 3-Doug the Poser

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Chapter 3-
Doug the Poser

Ethan's lounge room is dark, the only light source coming from the television which is playing one of the boys favourite TV shows.
'Scare Finder' or whatever it's called.

The episode is interrupted as Doug announces that he's in front of this weeks super-fan's door. The doorbell rings in sync with the television and I sit up from my slouched position on the floor. I can't help but notice the striking resemblance between the super-fan's door and Ethan's...

"Oh, come on! Who would bother us now?" Ethan grumbles, getting you to answer and the bell continues to ring in time with Doug's pushes to the button.

"That kid must have a crazy luck bonus - like, a plus-six!" Rory exclaims, shoving Benny's side.

"I automatically hate this jerk. He should be me and he isn't." Benny adds, annoyance threading through his words as he slouches back into the chair.

I can't help but roll my eyes as the puzzle pieces fit together.


The door dressed in a night-vision filter opens, revealing a startled Ethan on the inside,

"Hey, big man! Name's Doug Falconhawk." Doug exclaims, his over-exaggerated voice grinding my nerves,

"Ethan, you'll never believe who won the contest," Benny exclaims, his mouth dropping to the floor. I laugh softly as I reach back and pat Benny's knee.

"Are you Ethan?" Doug asks, the camera zooming onto said boy's face.

Ethan looks to the camera then back to Doug's face with a soft, "Hi..."

After a bit of talking, signing papers and a lot of squealing thanks to the grown men I'm standing beside, we stand in Ethan's room.

"I dig your decorating style, Ethan," Doug says as he admires the poster of himself that is stuck way too delicately to one of Ethan's walls.

"Ow, ow, ow." Benny lets out softly through his large grin, pinching himself up his arm.
My hand whacks his hand away as I look up at him annoyed.

This is getting ridiculous.

"He's here. It's real. This is a thing happening." Ethan mutters to Benny who, thankfully, has stopped pinching himself.

"Dude, this is off several hooks, " Rory adds, sounding dazed as he floats upward. I roll my eyes as Ethan quickly pulls him down.

"I don't believe what I'm seeing..." Doug exclaims, drawing our attention back to him.

"There's an action figure of me?" He asks, a small but completely accurate figure in his hand.

Hold on.

How do you not know if there's an action figure of you?

Isn't their licensing procedures -

Fox and the Hound [Benny Weir] - ✔️ - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now