VI | Turkish Delight

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"Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them." – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Le Petit Prince

Date: April 23rd, 2017

National Sovereignty and Children's Day
(Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı)

Countries: Turkey and Northern Cyprus

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VI | Turkish Delight


"What up, it's me!"

"Yeah, you need to be a bit more specific about the me part."

"You are the music in me–"

"For goodness' sake, are you quoting Sharpay again?"

"What's wrong with Sharpay? She's fabulous!"

"Derya, why did you call me?"

"Well, when people call, they want to chat."

"Yes, but when you call, it means you want me to help you plot someone's untimely death."

"You're such a jerk."

"It takes one to know one."

"Do you know what day it is, dickbiscuit?"

"Hmm, is it Let's All Insult The Crap out of Serkan Day?"

"No, that's every day."

"Oh, screw you."

"Get in the queue."

"I'd be screaming at you right now if I wasn't grudgingly appreciative of your rhyming skills."

"Thank you, douchepickle. It's actually National Sovereignty and Children's Day and you're forgetting that we're children!"

"Last time I checked, we were angsty teens who waste our entire lives on the Internet."

"Last time I remember, our teacher was going to give us a quiz on the history of this holiday."

"He's going to give us a what now?"

"A quiz? Which he'd been preparing us for and talking about for almost two weeks now? The one worth twenty percent of our grade?"

"Oh God, Derya, how screwed am I?"

"Well, on a scale from Big Bang Theory to Fifty Shades–"

"Forget it, I don't want to know."

"What did the triangle say to the circle?"

"Wait, what? Why the sudden change of subject? What's going on?"

"It's a joke, silly! What did the triangle say to the circle?"

"Well, if shapes talked, that would be incredibly terrifying."

"The triangle told the circle that it was pointless! Ain't that a knee-slapper?"

"I have no desire to slap my knee."

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