IV | As Mad as a March Hare

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"May your Easter be as festive and colourful as a legal gay wedding."

Date: April 16th, 2017

Occasion: Easter

Country: Worldwide

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IV | As Mad as a March Hare

Scene I. England. Sophisticated wedding.

Alice taps her feet on the pavement as wedding guests bustle around her. Some pause to compliment her periwinkle dress or golden locks, pinned up with an ornate clip which sparkles in the sunlight. Alice hardly listens to them. Her aunt's wedding does not interest her, though it would not have bode her well to skip the attendance altogether.

Her mother swishes by and notices her disinterested expression.

Alice, dear, don't look so peevish. Your aunt's wedding day should not be disgraced by your ignorance of social standards. There are unwritten rules for these events!

Mother, I'm just daydreaming. There's no rule against that, is there?

Her mother shifts uncomfortably as she attempts to cook up an argument, before relenting. She switches gears and begins brushing specks of dirt off Alice's attire.

Look at the state of you! Have you been frolicking in the pig pen? We must get you cleaned up.

Mother, my dress isn't dirty in the slightest. I've been seated in this exact spot for almost an hour with nothing to do. I wish there was entertainment.

The romantic atmosphere and edibles are enough, are they not?

The food certainly so. However, these sausage rolls taste rather funny.

Do they? I must let the chefs know immediately. Excuse me.

Her mother hurries off. Alice soon loses sight of her figure within the crowd. Little does she know, there is nothing wrong with the sausage rolls. It was simply an excuse to escape her mother's constant clucking. Alice chuckles to herself and settles back in her wooden chair.

I can't believe she was fooled by that. She'll be fussing about those rolls for hours!

However, Alice only soaks up a second of solitude before she is interrupted once again. Her aunt hurries by, dressed in a simple lilac shift, and makes a beeline towards Alice. Her expression is agitated. She sends a glance towards a nearby group of children.

Darling Alice!

Hello there, are you alright? You seem flustered.

I'm in a bit of a spot at the moment, to be frank. I was meaning to hide chocolate eggs around here for the children to find. They're uninterested in my wedding, especially since it's Easter Day and they're only interested in confectionary. Unfortunately, I've been having issues with the florist too, so I've forgotten to hide the eggs!

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