XVII | Letters to Satan

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"A good friend would offer you an umbrella in the rain. A best friend would steal yours and say, 'run bitch, run!'" – Unknown

Date: June 8th, 2017

Occasion: National Best Friends Day

Country: United States

XVII | Letters to Satan

Letter sent January 1st, 12:01 am


So, it's been a month ever since you left for Poland, and I gave you the cold shoulder the whole time. Feel free to chuck a vase or something at my head if we ever see each other again. I deserve it this time.

Though, I just going to put this out there, the legendary slap of '08 wasn't necessary, okay? I'm pretty sure the left side of my face is still slightly redder than the other, which makes photos a pain in the ass. You scarred me, Phebo. You really did.

Anyway, it's just before midnight on the last day of 2016. I have no idea why the post office is open at this time, but I'm not going to complain. I would have called or something, but I feel like that's not sincere enough. It's unlike me to be all mushy and shit, but here you go. You've always liked those cheesy novels and films, so now you can live them, bestie.

Urgh God, I'm writing this in the midst of some stupid New Year's party and someone just chucked up some– you know what? You probably don't want to know.

It's not a New Year without you. I can't blame your family for moving, and I'm sorry that I wasn't supporting you through all this earlier. I was scared, Phebo! Scared of losing you. But ignoring the truth just made you leave faster. I'm so, so sorry.

I hope you can forgive me someday,


Letter sent February 1st, 4:48 pm


How's Poland going for you? How's your new school? I hope you're fitting. If any guys are harassing you, let me know so I can apparate there and punch their stupid faces in. It's freezing here, I'm a frickin' Sam-sicle. I've been hanging out with Cameron and his friends, but it's not the same. Let's just say they're totally on board with Fifty Shades. Not my thing.

I remember on Valentine's Day, neither of us had dates so you made an origami bouquet of paper flowers and presented them to me. I'd bought a box of consolation chocolates for you on the same day too, so we burst out laughing and ended up hanging at your place.

You were obsessed with Valentine's Day. I don't know why. You made loads of red, pink, and white lanterns and other DIY shit, hanging them all over your house. Didn't I try throwing darts at the paper lanterns? You kicked me in the family jewels for that one. Look, it was too tempting to resist, okay? Who owns darts without a target?

Then, what was it again? Oh yeah, we decided to watch a show. You wanted to watch The Notebook. I wanted to watch The Walking Dead. We compromised by choosing The Wolf of Wall Street, but I'm sure you chose it because you were crushing on Leonardo DiCaprio, weren't you? I hope he wins an Oscar soon. Probably not. There won't be any memes to laugh at if that happens, though I'm sure the Internet would explode.

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