XIV | Rekindling The Flame

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"The willingness of America's veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude." – Jeff Miller

Date: May 29th, 2017
(the last Monday of May)

Occasion: Memorial Day

Country: United States

Disclaimer: Each of the characters in this chapter are from various stories that are posted, or used to be posted, on my account.

XIV | Rekindling The Flame

Chicago and Candy Floss

By Emily Jenner

Here in Chicago, we see a crowd of solemn citizens begin to gather around what seems to be the side of a road, anticipating what's going to come next. It's currently noon, meaning that the parade should be starting shortly.

Having interviewed several children, who seem to be incapable of anything except squealing and hugging the teddy bears they forced their parents to bring so they wouldn't bawl their way through the car ride, I can conclude that Memorial Day is not of the upmost importance to the kids.

The adults have a reaction almost contrary to that of their younger counterparts, as one I have come across seemed to be overcome with emotion and unable to speak. Another one said, and I quote, "Memorial Day commemorates the importance of our fallen soldiers, and I strongly believe that that is one of the most important days the U.S. can celebrate."

Anyway, the parade's about to begin. My boyfriend is bouncing on his toes to try and see above the many heads in front of us, while eating blue, white and red candy floss which I need to steal some of later. He's also shouting, "hooray, hooray! It's parade day!" and acting rather childish as officers wielding flags begin to make their way down the street.

My friend Erin, on the other hand, is half-listening to her boyfriend, Alex, jabbering about Memorial Day and spending the other half of her attention teaching children how to juggle batons. Careful! Remember what happened last time you juggled something sharp without supervision? Well, yes, but Alex is practically your parental figure. Don't say that's gross, you know it's true.

Let's listen in on some of what Alex is saying. "Thank you, someone who finally listens to me!" he says exasperatedly. Okay Alex, stop being such a drag. We want to learn stuff, not hear you complain all day. "Memorial Day is a day for remembrance," he explains. "It was initially called Decoration Day."

What? It used to be called Decoration Day? You're kidding! That's like Christmas and New Year's threw a party together and conceived another holiday after a wild night. Memorial Day has a way better ring to it. Oh, wait, hold on a second. Alex says that the name originated from honoring the deceased. Soldiers used to decorate graves of their fallen comrades with flowers, flags and wreaths.

So, never mind. Forget everything I said. Anyhow, that's it from me on this fine Memorial Day. Over to you, Mr Optometristan. My boyfriend's chucking blue, white and red glitter everywhere and it's super distracting.

Stars, Stripes and a Lot of Running

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