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Oh, hi there. I am Charlotte West and I am 16 years old, with brown hair and green eyes. My life is pretty normal. You know, school , friendships and all that stuff. But one thing that is a little different about me is that I don't know who my mother is, but all I need to focus on is my sister, Paige. By the way she is 7 years old, with blond hair and green eyes.

 By the way she is 7 years old, with blond hair and green eyes

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Well yeah, I do have a father, but he is just there. Sitting there on his laptop, and practically doing Nothing for us, all he cares about is business stuff, since he is the CEO of a company.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about My BFF, Emma , we've been friends since first grade and she has brown hair and blue eyes, both of us go to the same school and she lives right across the street from my house ( Cool, right?)

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about My BFF, Emma , we've been friends since first grade and she has brown hair and blue eyes, both of us go to the same school and she lives right across the street from my house ( Cool, right?)

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I think this is enough for you guys to understand my life, I don't want to give too much away...

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