The ring

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Recap - The Lady of the Forest leaves the cafeteria and heads back to the other half of the world.
Charlotte's POV
Last period
" Almost finished." I thought as I was doing a worksheet in math class.
Right when I finished I heard a very familiar sound.
Ring! Ring!
"We will review the worksheet on Monday, have a great weekend!" The math teacher said as people started to leave the room.
When Charlotte exited the room she found her boyfriend, Hunter, standing by the door.
" Hey Hunter."
" Hey Charlotte." He said as he kissed her cheek.
" So, are you missing anything?" I asked as I looked at his wrist.
" Oh, my watch. How did I not notice earlier?"He said as he looked down at his wrist.
" Probably you left it in the cafeteria from earlier."
" Yeah, probably. Let's check." He said as we walked to the cafeteria.
Hunter's POV
When we walked into the cafeteria, I spotted my watch immediately on the floor. Did I not even bother to check what the time was even once?
I picked it up then noticed a gold ring next to my watch. ( the picture is how it looks like)
Charlotte walked up next to me, picked up the ring and played with it in her hand.
" This ring probably belongs to the wolf."
" How can a wolf wear a ring?"
" Remember I told you that the wolf could be the Lady of the Forest?"
" Yeah."
" This ring belongs to her."
" How do you know?"
She placed the ring in my hand and the words " the Lady of the Forest" was engraved on the inside of the ring.
" Yeah the wolf was definitely the Lady of the forest."
We walked out the cafeteria and exited the school building, hand in hand.
The Lady of the Forest's POV
As I was looking out the window, at my kingdom, I check my left hand and I instantly receive a feeling of shock.
I must have left my ring in the other side of the world!
Then a sly smile formed on my face.
I could finally finish what I wanted...
I know this chapter was kind of short but stay tuned for the next chapter! :D

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