If your going to the other side of the universe, we're coming too

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Recap- The Lady of the Forest decides to take extreme measures while Charlotte decides not to help.
Emma's POV
When Charlotte and Hunter were with The Lady of the Forest
I just finished all the homework we had and I had nothing to do. So I decide to call Charlotte and see if she is available.
Fifteen minutes later...
Why is she not picking up the phone!?
I called her about 17 times already. She normally answers her cell phone when I call her once, I hope everything is ok. So I start to dial the landline number.
" Hello?" A familiar voice answers, but it didn't belong to Charlotte.
" Hey Paige, this is Emma. Is your sister with you?"
" The last time I checked she was in the living room with Hunter."
"Oh, ok. Can you check again for me?"
" Sure, just wait a minute."
Ten minutes later...
" Ok, I'm back. But I don't see Charlotte or Hunter in the living room."
" Probably they went somewhere, I will call Hunter and see where they are at. Thanks for the help."
" Your welcome. And if you find out where my sister is, can you come over?"
" Of course Paige."
I hung up and started to dial Hunter's phone number.
Hunter's POV
The Lady of the forest came downstairs to the living room and apologized for her behavior. Then she showed us to our rooms upstairs. As soon as I entered mine, I heard my phone ring. And it was Emma that was calling me.
" Hey Emma."
" Hey Hunter, is Charlotte with you?"
" Yeah."
" Phew! I was starting to get worried. Where are you guys by the way?"
" Uh... Remember when Charlotte told us about the place she got transported to?"
" Yeah, with the Lady of the Trees and Galaxy?"
" Actually it's The Lady of the Forest and The Lady of Stars. But yeah, that place. Let's just say that both me and Charlotte got transported there."
" seriously?"
" yeah."
" So, how did you get transported?"
" Charlotte found this ring in the lunch room and it started to glow when me and her were in the living room at her house, then it sucked us in."
" Wow. Is it still in the living room?"
" I really don't know. Why?"
" Because, I want to be there with you guys."
" But who will watch Paige?"
" Um... She could come too!"
" Are you sure about that?"
" Well, uh...."
" I will ask Charlotte. It could take a while so can I call you back tomorrow?"
" Sure."
I  hung up and placed my phone on the bed before I left my room. Then I went to Charlotte's room and quietly knocked on the door.
Charlotte's POV
  Right when I was going to call my landline phone, so I could talk to Paige, I heard a knock on the door.
" Who is it?" I asked.
" It's Hunter."
" come in." I replied when he opened the door and sat on the edge of my bed, and I sat next to him.
" So, did you get any miss calls from Emma?"
" No."
" Really? Because she just called me."
" And what did she say?"
" She was basically worried about you and wondered if you were with me. Then she said that she will come here too."
As soon as I heard that a feeling of worry took over my body.
" First off, does she know about the ring? And second of all, What about Paige?" I asked.
" Yes she knows about the ring, and Emma was thinking of bringing Paige with her."
That would be good, for me at least. But even though my Dad doesn't pay attention to me or Paige, I am pretty sure he will notice that both of his children are missing.
" I Would love her here, but I hope they could distract my Dad, I'm sure he would notice that there is no children in the house."
" I am really sure they will have a plan. It's getting pretty late, we should probably go sleep."
" Yeah, we probably should go sleep. Good night Hunter." I said as I kissed his cheek.
" Good night Charlotte." He replied as he also kissed my cheek. Then he got up and left my room.
Paige's POV
When Charlotte and Hunter were talking
I heard a knock on the door and when I opened it, I saw Emma.
" Hey Emma."
" Hey Paige." She said as she came inside.
" So, did you see a ring in the living room?" Emma asked me.
" Yeah, it's right there." I said pointing to where it was.
" Great." She said.
"Can you stay here for a minute?" I asked.
" Sure." She said.
I went upstairs to Charlotte's bedroom and wrote some stuff on a post - it and pasted it on The door just in case Dad came up here.
When I went back downstairs to the living room I saw some objects fly into the ring. And Emma was holding on tightly to the edge of a table.
" Oh, hey there Paige, hold on to something!"
Too late. Because when I entered the room I was immediately sucked in. Then everything went black.
Emma's POV
Oh no, oh no, oh no. Paige just got sucked in. Well, I can't let her be sucked in by herself.
I let go of my grip on the table and soon everything goes black.
So it looks like Emma and Paige will be joining Charlotte and Hunter. Stay tuned for the next chapter to see what will happen! :D

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