Confusion and an way to get back to my old life

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Recap -  Charlotte finds out that the Lady of the Forest might be her mother


Charlotte's POV

2 days later

" So, charlotte." The Lady of the Forest starts to say as me and her are alone in her dining room inside her mansion.

Yep, mansion. Apperently in the twenty first century, Queens live in mansions, not castles.

" Yes, Madame."

Yes, I call her Madame. I don't call her Mom because I am not sure if she even is my mother.

" I guess this is very shocking for you."

" Well, yeah, it is. But when will i be able to go back to my sister?"

" So, you want to go back so soon?"

" Yeah, I do. My friends and family are over there."

" Ok, but you should know i could read emotions."

" Um, that's cool."

" I know that you are missing someone else too."

Ok, this has gotten awkward.

" Your crush. I know you have one."

Now, this just gotten even more awkward...

But she is right, I do have a crush. Well, It's Hunter.

Since the first day of school, I found him kind of cute.

" Charlotte?"

" Yes, Madame?"

" Am I right?"

" Well, yeah."

" Oh, then you do have one, care to tell me about your feelings?"

" Not yet, actually." I said as i got up from my chair.

" Can i take a walk outside?" I asked.

" Sure."

I washed off my plate, put it in the cupboards then put on a jeans jacket over my clothes. Which was a white t-shirt and black leggings with blue sneakers.

I only wanted to go outside because I was missing Emma, Hunter and Paige. I care about them alot.

Also I felt like this lady wasn't my mom. I don't know why, but she just isn't.

Probably I could come up with a way to get back home, somehow.

Later on

 Wearing a pair of purple pajamas, I walk up to the window in the room I am sleeping in.

  I look up at the shining stars. All dancing in unison. Then, all of a sudden. I see three stars in the sky, doing their own dance, which was different and unique, and those three stars outshine all the rest.

 They remind me of Hunter, Emma and Paige. As i look at those stars longer, I just start to miss them even more.

Stop looking at them, stupid. Before you start crying.

" Hello there, Charlotte."

Well, that was creepy.

" Where are you?" I asked with uncertainty.

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