The wolf and feelings released

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Recap - A black wolf appears out of nowhere in the cafeteria and runs toward Charlotte, Hunter and Emma.


Charlotte's POV

The wolf finally stopped, right in front of our table. The wolf's golden eyes stared right into my green eyes. I have a feeling where this wolf came from.

The wolf started to come closer to me, and I started to walk slowly backwards, away from my friends.

Then, the wolf finally lunged, and I moved to the right. By now, everyone was out of the room, except for two people, who were Hunter and Emma. And standing in the back of the room.

Hunter's POV

Charlotte was looking around to see where the wolf was. But I spotted it behind her, getting ready to lunge again. And she didn't notice.

I have to help, somehow.

I quietly walked over to left side of the cafeteria, without being seen by the wolf.

The wolf finally lunged. But just in time, I ran and pushed Charlotte to side, causing both of us to fall.

I noticed that someone left something that could be useful, a rope.

Before the wolf noticed where we were, I picked up the rope and quietly ran behind the wolf.

"Well, I hate doing this to a animal, but I have to do what I have to" I thought as I quickly wrapped the rope loosely around the wolf twice. Then I wrapped the rest of the rope around a post.

The wolf strangled a bit then surprisingly relaxed.

"How come it didn't use it's teeth to gnaw on the rope?" I thought. Also, didn't the school call animal control or something?

I walked over to charlotte and knelt down beside her. She was still on the ground, staring at the wolf.

" Did you get hurt?" I asked

Charlotte immediately turned her head and smiled, which gave me a warm feeling.

" Nope. Did you?"

" Nope."

" Good, because I never want to see you hurt."

Charlotte's POV

Wait, did I just say that out loud?

Again, I thought about what the lady of the stars said. We both got up and stared at each other for a few seconds, then I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. And Hunter wrapped his arms around my waist then pushed my closer to him.

" I don't want to see you hurt either Charlotte. And that is because I really like you."

" I really like you too Hunter." Then I leaned forward and softly kissed his lips.

And, he kissed me back.

Emma's POV

Don't you ever have that moment when you know two people like each other and finally admit it and have their first kiss?

Well, that is what I am seeing right now.

Charlotte and Hunter look really cute together. But if Hunter hurts or does anything to my best friend, I'm going to kill him.

But I don't think I would need to do that, since he just saved her from a wolf and all.

They finally pulled away, and both of them blushed a little.

" Charlotte?"

" Yeah?"

" Would you want to be my girlfriend?"

" Finally!" I said, quietly. Or at least I thought I said it quietly, because both Hunter and Charlotte turned to look at me, only for a few seconds anyways.

Charlotte's POV 

" Yes." I said as I smiled and kissed Hunter's cheek.

" Awww!" Emma exclaimed. Then she walked up to both of us.

" Congrats. Also, did you guys get hurt from the wolf?"

"Thanks, and we didn't get hurt." I said.

" Wait, is the lunch period over yet?" Hunter asked

" Well, there is a minute left." Emma said.

" Also, shouldn't animal control be here by now?" I asked

" They should be, oh well." Hunter replied.

The wolf was still there, but it just relaxed where it was.

 So all of us headed out the cafeteria, leaving the wolf where it was and headed off to our classes. Me and Hunter had the same class so we walked there together.

" I could've taken on the wolf myself." I said

" I know, but it was behind you, and you didn't see it."

" Good point, it was probably ready to launch a sneak attack."

" Yep, it looked like it."

" Also, I think I know where that wolf came from."

" Really?"

" Yeah, Remember I told you about this person called the Lady of the Forest?"

" Yep."

" I think she sent the wolf to attack me."


So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next chapter! :D

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