Back home with confessions

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Recap - Charlotte goes to sleep after finding out that will be able to go back home from the Lady of the Stars, who is actually her mother.


Charlotte's POV

The next day

Finally, today's the day I thought as I lifted my head from my pillow.

I quickly got myself out of the bed and brushed my teeth, then I changed into a blue t - shirt and a pair of jeans, with white sneakers. I combed out my hair and decided to leave it down.

I got myself downstairs and headed in the kitchen. I was staying with the Lady of the Forest in her mansion and when I was actually inside the kitchen I saw some bunnies munching on some carrots that were on a plate on the counter.

well she is the Lady of the Forest.

" Good morning, Madame."

" Good morning, my child."

I don't plan on telling her about my conversation with the Lady of the Stars last night, so I'm just going to act like nothing happened. So she won't get suspicious and do something bad to the Lady of the Stars.

She handed me a plate of waffles with some maple syrup on top.

" Thanks Madame."

" Your welcome."

I ate them quickly and when I finished I decided to tell her that I will be leaving.

" Um, Madame?"

" Yes Charlotte?"

" I just want to tell you something, which is that I will be leaving."

" Really, when?"

" Tonight."

" Really, then I wish you luck in your world."

" Thank you, Madame."

" No problem."

I Got up from my chair and put my plate in the sink.

I cant believe I'm going home in a few hours. I thought as I went back into my room.

A few hours later

Lets see if I have everything I need. Myself, check.

I will be able to go back home in just minutes, I can't wait!

Also when I appeared here, all I had was myself. Nothing else, not even my phone.

I looked at the time, 8: 55. Great, five more minutes.

I went up to the window and just gazed at the stars while thinking about what will happen next.

I looked again at the time, 9:00. Finally, it's time.

My eyes went back to the window and waited for the magic to happen.

" Hello again, Charlotte."

" Good evening, Madame."

" Ready to go back?"

" Yep."

" Ok, and I wish you the best of luck."

" Ok, thank you Madame, for everything."

" Your welcome."

With that, everything went black for a few seconds.

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