How a person could be transported to the same place, twice

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Recap - The Lady of the Forest has some plans.
The Lady of the Forest's POV
The same time when Charlotte and Hunter found the ring
I guess that Charlotte must have already found the ring, which is another way to get to this half of the world. And only I have that type of ring. Since she most likely will be here again, I can finally gain her trust.
*Flashback* ( 3rd person POV)
" Oh, hello there." The Lady of the Forest says as one of her servants enters the room, which is a tall man with tanned skin, grey eyes and brown hair.
" Hello madam."
" So, why are you here?"
" Because I have important news."
" Which is?"
" About the Lady of the Stars."
" And what about her?"
" Well, I heard she wants to overthrow you and become the main ruler."
"Wait, what!?" The Lady of the Forest almost screams with confusion and a hint of anger.
" She might use that girl that came here as an advantage by gaining her trust and making her go against you so that the Lady of the stars can get the throne."
" The girl, Charlotte?" The Lady of the Forest says,but with thoughts in her head about why her sister would do such a thing.
" Yeah, her."
" Then I have to make her help me instead."
" That is a great idea madam."
" Thank you, now you may go." The lady of the forest says as she turns her back and looks through a near by window.
A mischievous smirk forms on the servant's face as he makes his way out of the room.
*End of flashback ( back to the Lady of the Forest's POV
I need her to be on my side. I can't let my sister take the throne. Now, all I have to do is wait till she comes...
Charlotte's POV
At her house * a few hours later*
" So, what do you plan to do with the ring?" Hunter asks.
Me and him were just talking in the living room, and we were sitting in the couch while Hunter had an arm wrapped around me. We agreed that we could hangout for a little bit after we finish our homework.
" I don't know as yet, but I will check on it later."
" Um, alright. But I think now might be a good time to check on it."
  I glanced at the ring then got up from the couch and took a look at it more closely. I have placed it on a table earlier and now surrounding the ring was a green aura.
Then, out of nowhere, objects were being sucked into the ring. And not too long later, me and Hunter found ourselves holding on to any object we could to avoid being sucked in by the ring. After a minute or two passing, we were resisting the urge of the ring, wanting to suck us in. But we are soon sucked in and a few moments of darkness pass before we find ourselves in a place I recognized immediately.
So here is a little cliffhanger and stay tuned for the next chapter! :D

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