Time I should tell

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Recap - Charlotte hears the phone rings then decides to answer after hesitating a little.


I picked up the phone and put it to my left ear.

" Now, you must know, Charlotte west,"

"How. Did. They. Know. My. Name?" I thought as I continued to listen.

" We want you, with us... at the other side. Or else."

then they hanged up.

That, was really strange. It kind of frightened me a little.

I went back to do my homework, at least I am almost done with it.

" Charlotte, want to play?" Paige asks as she skips into my room as her blonde curls bounce up and down.

" I can't right now, but I will in a just a minute." I reply

" Ok, make sure it's exactly a minute." She says as she skips out my room and start to count.

well,I did say a minute..

I finished when she was at 35 and I walked out my room.

" Now, I am ready to play." I say as I smile.

" Great, now, come on." She says as she grabbed my arm and pulled me into her room.

Just to clarify,  she is 7 years old . She doesn't play with dolls anymore, not as much anyways. So we ended up playing Candyland. She really loves board games.

when we were done with 2 rounds, she let out of her room. So I enter my room and just lay on my bed.

"Who called me, how do they know my name?" I questioned myself in my head.

It scared me just a little and it  continued to bother me for a while.


I hesitated  to get up, but only to find out that it was Emma who was calling me.

" Hey Emma.'"

" Hey char."

" So, what's up?"

" The sky, idiot."

" I meant metaphorically, idiot."

" Ok, if you mean it that way, then I am doing good, you?"

" Well, not too well. This number called me and said " they want me,

or else." I really don't know what they mean and I am a little scared."

" First off, that's pretty creepy. But char, don't let it get to you."

" But, they knew my name. My, Full name."

" Ok, so that's a different story. Sound like anyone you know?"

" Nope."

" Ok, just don't let it get to you, if they call again, tell me or someone else."

" Of course."

With that, we hung up the phone.



I walked up to our usual table, with Emma and Hunter.

I really hope he did forget that question.

" Charlotte, can u come here for a second?" Hunter called as he gestured towards me.

So, I walked over to where he was sitting.

" Yeah?"

" What were you going to say yesterday?"

" About what?" I asked, trying to act dumb.

" My question. You were going to answer it."

Well, I guess he wouldn't forget.

But, I think I could trust him. we are becoming friends, and he might understand.

" Ok, well.. Can you come here for a second?" I said as we went out the cafeteria and stood in a corner near the back door. No one goes there till the end of the lunch period, so no one would hear.

" So, what is it?"

" Ok, So I really wanted to find a ancestor for my father because that is the only one I could actually find one for."

" Only one?"

" I don't know who my mom is... Ok?" I said, hesitating a lot.

"I didn't know, I feel really sorry for you." He said quietly and he stepped closer.

" Well, how about we head back inside, before someone sees us?"

" Alright."

At least that was taken care of.

 One week later


So yeah the project is finished, and we got 99 on it. That is pretty good.

I am started to get to know Hunter pretty well. And me, Emma and him are becoming good friends.

So I am just listening to some music on my headphones in my room after playing with Paige for a little bit.

I should probably go check up on her, since I been here in my room for a while.

 I turn the door knob to open the door.

Then All of a sudden, I see a group of people staring down at me.


Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next chapter! :D

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