Mission: Escape

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Recap : The four take all of the weapons in The Lady of the Forest's room.
Charlotte's POV
Later that night....
I was in my room looking out of the window into the night sky, which was full of stars tonight. The more I stared at them, the more it reminded me of my mother. I definitely know that she wasn't planning of overthrowing her sister, and I don't want my mother to get murdered for no reason at all. I have to get her out of this world, if the barrier between our worlds will let her.
" Greetings again, my child." A familiar voice says as a image of my mom slowly appears onto a star that was in the middle of the sky.
" Hi mom."
" So, I've heard of what my sister wants to do to me."
" Yeah, it's really bad. But were you really planning on overthrowing your sister and becoming the main ruler?"
" Of course not. Who would say such a thing?"
" One of The Lady Of the Forest's servants apparently."
" I wasn't aware that my sister had servants."
" I wasn't either, until now. I have to get you out of this world."
" Why? This is my home."
" I don't want to risk the chances of your sister killing you. I just found out that you were my mother and it would be really sad that see that you're killed for no reason at all."
" Yeah, it is."
" I'll sneak you out tomorrow night and we will go through the barrier. You will be safe in our world, I promise."
" Ok, I trust you Charlotte."
" And One more thing, I know you can go through the barrier, but will you be in the sky?"
" For your information, I could turn into a human then go through the barrier."
" Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"
" Because, I'm busy."
" Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow night, mom."
" yes, you will. Now, go to sleep so you won't be tired tomorrow." The Lady of the Stars says as her image starts to fade from the star.
The next night...
I have already told Hunter, Emma and Paige about my plan to sneak The Lady of the Stars into our world. Right now we were all standing near the window in my bedroom.
" What if something goes wrong?" Paige asks to break the silence between us.
" Nothing is going to go wrong Paige, it's better to think positive and not negative you know." Emma replies.
Before anyone else could speak we hear a knock on the window. We turn around to see a woman with blue hair and green eyes.
"  Ready Mom?" I say as I open the window.
" Yes, I am." She replies with a smile.
  All of us climb out the window and close it as quietly as we can, So The Lady of the Forest won't notice that we were gone.
" Let me show you guys where the barrier is." My mom says as we follow her into the night.
Twenty minutes later...
" Here it is." My Mom says as she shows to a swirling circle, that looked like the Milky Way , in the middle of a forest.
" Are you guys ready?" I ask.
" Where do you guys think you're going?" A voice says.
" Great, we're busted." I thought as we all turn our heads to see...
  Cliffhangers are a pretty good way to end a chapter, don't you think? If you guys want to know who it is make sure to stay tuned for the next chapter! ;D

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