An unexpected way to be welcomed

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Recap : Charlotte and Hunter are sucked in by the ring and end up in another place.
Charlotte's POV
We have landed in a forest, and I could recognize where we have landed.
" So, do you know where we are at?" Hunter asked as he brushed off some dirt from his pants.
" We're at the other half of the universe, the same place I told you about."
" Which is the same place you were transported to?"
" Yep."
" So, what do we do now?"
The exit of the forest was in between some trees, which were ahead and I spotted an mansion, which looked just like the one the Lady of the Forest lives in.
" That must be her mansion." I thought as I took Hunter's hand in mine and led him to the exit of the forest.
" When I was here, the Lady of the Forest let me stay in her mansion, which is up ahead." I explained to Hunter as we walked.
Ten minutes later...
" So, do you want to knock?" Hunter asked when we finally reached the front of the mansion.
" Yeah, sure."
  A few seconds after I knocked, a familiar face was revealed when the door finally opened.
" Welcome back, Charlotte." The Lady of the Forest greeted.
" Hello,Madame."
" So, who is your little friend you got there?" She asked as she gave a glance at Hunter.
" Oh, this is my Boyfriend, Hunter."
" Hello, um, madame." Hunter greeted.
" Pleased to meet you. How about both of you guys come inside?"
We stepped into the mansion and followed The Lady of the Forest into the living room.
" So, have you heard the news about your mother, Charlotte?" The Lady of the Forest asks as we sit down on a couch.
" Nope."
" Really? I guess news doesn't travel that easily between the two halves of the universe."
" Yeah, and that is probably because no one even knows there is another half of the universe." I thought.
" Anyways, could you tell me what the news is?" I asked.
" I was just about to get to that," The Lady of the Forest says.
" Your mother wants to overthrow me as the main ruler so she can be it."
I couldn't believe what I heard. "Why would she do anything like that?" I questioned myself in my head.
" Who told you this?" I asked.
" One of my servants."
" You have servants? I don't see any of them." Hunter said as he looked around.
" Besides that, I just want you to know that I was the wolf that was in your school."
" I already figured that out. And what were you going to do?"
" I was going to ask you to help me."
" Why should I help you?"
" Because your mother wants to overthrow me! You rather be on the bad side than the good!?"
" Of course not, but I know my mother wouldn't do something like that."
" I know her better than you! She is my sister, and you just met her!"
" But how do I know you aren't lying to me?"
" Because a servant told me that."
" If that's the case, how do you know that they weren't lying to you?" Hunter questioned.
" Well, uh... That's none of your business, blonde boy!" The Lady of the Forest screamed in anger as she stomped out of the room.
" Didn't I tell her my name?" Hunter asked.
" Yeah, you did. Anyways, I still don't think we should help. And that could actually benefit her."
The lady of the Forest's POV
After she walked out of the room
I walked upstairs to my bedroom and locked the door. Then I sat on my bed, wondering why Charlotte won't help me.
  I guess I simply can't gain her trust again. So that means I'll have to take extreme measures. I wish I didn't have to but I have no choice...
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one! :D

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