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Twelve years later... ( 3rd person POV)
"Aunt Emma, Grandma Zoe!" A four year old girl exclaimed with excitement as her brown hair flew and her blue eyes twinkled when she ran to where they were in the meadow and hugged them both.
" Hi sweetheart, look how much you have grown from the last time I saw you!" Says " Zoe." Who is actually The Lady of the Stars.
  When she came to this world she had to change her name, So she changed it to Zoe.
Zoe has been in a wheelchair ever since she was paralyzed twelve years ago, when her sister shoot her left leg.
" Come on violet, we have to go to back to the picnic now." Emma said as the three of them went up to a red blanket with lots of food on it . Which was where Charlotte, Hunter and Paige were.
" Mommy, Daddy!" Violet exclaimed as she ran to her parents
" There she is! The best daughter in the world." Hunter said as he ruffled her hair.
" Make that the best child in the world." Charlotte said as she kissed her daughter's forehead.
" Aren't you going to say hi to aunt Paige?" Charlotte's nineteen year old sister questioned as she placed the four year old girl on her lap.
" Hi aunt Paige." Violet replied as she smiled widely.
" if we're just going to talk to each other, why did we bring all this food?" Zoe asked.
  All of them laughed as they started to dig in. As they did, the sky immediately turned dark blue and hundreds of stars danced in the sky.
" Why is there stars in the sky if it's only 3:30 in the afternoon?" Emma asked as she looked up.
" Mommy, Daddy?" violet called.
" Yes sweetheart?" Charlotte asked.
" What is this?" She asked as she turned her left hand to reveal blue particles come out of her palm.
Zoe's eyes widened as she explained to all them that Violet had some of her powers. And it turns out Charlotte had some of them too, but she didn't have as much because there were no signs of them yet.
" I have to start training you both. And we could do that right now." Zoe told Charlotte and her daughter after the picnic as all of them exited the meadow.
Over the next few years Violet and Charlotte are trained to conceal their powers by Zoe.
   And it ends up that the barrier wasn't closed forever, so Charlotte, Violet and Zoe went back into the other side of the universe to be told that The Lady of the Forest had died recently, So they asked Zoe and Charlotte if they wanted to rule, but they both declined the offer. So they no other choice than to train Violet to rule the land, which Charlotte was supposed to do when she was younger.
Hunter, Paige and Emma decide to go to the other side of the universe too, then everyone decides that they will stay there. But they didn't have much of a choice, since Violet was going to rule.
Basically all the things Charlotte was supposed to do, like training to be a ruler, is now happening to her daughter.
So I guess you could say that this was one unusual way of how the past could become someone's future.
The End...

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