Fear and how one's wish could come true

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Recap - Charlotte was about to check on her sister but soon everything goes " pitch black" to her.


Paige's POV

Playing by yourself is boring. Really boring. I didn't ask Charlotte because we played together a while ago. Also Dad is busy, he never has time to play with me anyways, so I just don't ask.

I usually hear loud music from my sister's room, but right now I don't hear any. I guess I should check up on her to make sure she is alright.

I open the door to find nobody in the violet colored room. Which is really strange.

she could be in the bathroom, I will just wait her for a few minutes.

About 30 minutes have passed, and there is still no sign of my sister. Probably she is with Emma.

good thing charlotte has a landline phone in her bedroom, I put Emma's phone number in ( Yes, I do know her phone number.) And call her.

" Hello, this is Emma speaking."

" Hey Emma, this is Paige."

" Hey Paige, how are you?"

" Good, you?"

" I'm good."

" I have one question to ask you."

" What is it Paige?"

" Is Charlotte with you?"

" No, actually. She isn't in the house with you?"

" She was, but I came to check up on her and she wasn't there."

" You know what, probably she is with Hunter, let me call him and check, ok?"

" Ok, thanks Emma."

" No problem."

Then she put me on hold. I really hope she is alright, because I am getting really scared now.

Emma's POV

I put in Hunter's phone number, then I call him. I seriously hope Charlotte is alright , so I am really hoping she is with Hunter.

" Hey Emma."

" Hey Hunter. So one quick question."

" Yeah?"

" Is Charlotte with you?"

" No, why?"

Then I told him about my talk with Paige and how worried she must be.

But to tell you truth, I am just as worried as she is.

" I hope she is ok though, do you know anywhere else she could be?"

" I would say the library, but it's closed now. So no, I don't know anywhere else she would be."

" Great, now we have absolutely no idea of where she could be or what she could be doing."

" Really though, I hope Paige will tell me Charlotte was out doing something. I'm getting real scared."

" So am I."

We hung up, then I told Paige the bad news. She sounded really disappointed, then she hung up on me too.

Charlotte's POV

" Now, let's find you some new clothes. You simply can't go out dressed like that."

" Um, What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

" Everything dear. Now, come on."

So basically what happened is that those people staring at me was thought I was supposed to be a princess. I have no idea of where that came from, but immediately they put me in a room and started questioning me. After that they told me that they were ruled by a queen, who is apparently known as the Lady of the forest, but she has a sister who is known as the Lady of the stars. And these people think I am related to the Lady of the forest somehow. So for now they want me to meet her for myself.

First off, I know in my world, we have a mayor and a president. Not a queen. But this looks just like the normal world. Buildings, roads, everyone is busy. So I really don't know what is happening. Either I am hallucinating or I got knocked out and all of a sudden someone overthrows the president ( and apparently the whole government.) And pronounces themselves Queen.

By the way, a lady named Ms. Stallone (but she says I have to call her Madame Stallone). Is helping me look more formal. And yes, she is the same lady who is helping me find new clothes ( even though I think it's just a waste of time).

After a few hours, I found myself wearing a mint colored blouse with royal blue leggings with a lace trim and grey flats.

" You look absolutely beautiful darling." Madame Stallone told me.

" Um, thanks. But this wasn't what I was expecting." I replied.

" Darling, this is the twenty first century. A princess doesn't wear a big puffy dress everyday. Gosh, movies these days are so misleading."

I really wasn't listening to what she was saying. Because I am worried about Paige, Emma and Hunter.

" Anyways, you must follow me, it's time to meet her." Madame Stallone said as she headed out the door.

I followed her into a big room and there was a lady sitting in the chair. But all I could see was her back.

I got a little distracted thinking about my friends and my sister until a voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

" Welcome, my child."

The lady was now facing me, she had bright grey eyes with her black hair in a bun.

" I'm the Lady of the forest. And I am guessing you are Charlotte?"

Wait a second, did she just call me her child!?


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next chapter! :D

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