The last of the two worlds

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Recap : When the four and The Lady of the Stars were going to go through the barrier they are stopped by someone.
  Also this is the last actual chapter of this book and I hope you guys enjoy it.
  Here we go...
Charlotte's POV
" Great, we're busted." I thought as we all turn our heads to see a tall man with skin that was tanned. He also had brown hair and grey eyes.
" Who are you?" My Mom asked.
" Oh, you don't need to know that. But I know who you are." He replied as he bowed. " The Lady of the stars, isn't it?"
" No, but I get mistaken for her a lot." My mom lied.
" Oh stop the act, you are The Lady of the stars and I know it!"
" Ok, she is. But she is one of the rulers of this land and you aren't!" I stated.
" Little girl, she won't the ruler for too much longer." He said creepily as he pulled out a black and silver dagger.

" Guys just go through the barrier, I will reach you guys later

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" Guys just go through the barrier, I will reach you guys later." The Lady of the stars whispered quickly to us.
" but w-" All of us tried to insist, but before we could finish speaking she lightly pushed Emma through the barrier, then Hunter and Paige went through themselves.
But I didn't. I felt like I was a statue, who just stands there and watches what happens in front of their eyes, but they can't do anything, because they can't move. The thought of having my mom killed right in front of my eyes scared me. But going through the barrier and leaving my mom here, where she could die,  scared me just as much.
When I finally snapped out of my trance, I spotted that The Lady of the forest has found us and she was holding a silver dagger in her hand.

She was trying to stab my mom, who had no weapon at all

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She was trying to stab my mom, who had no weapon at all. She was just dogging and kicking. " How did The Lady of the Forest get a dagger anyway?" I thought. me, Hunter, Emma and Paige took all the weapons from her bedroom. But she could've have had weapons in other places too, why didn't we check?
A ear piercing scream brought me back to reality as I find my mom on the ground with blood gushing out of her leg. I quickly hide behind a tall tree, assuming that no one saw me.
" Let's go, before someone notices us." The Lady of the forest says to the man.
" Just wait a second, you still have some blood on your dagger." He says as he takes her dagger and takes a cloth out of his pocket.
" Perfect." I thought as I quietly walked over to a tree behind the man and hid behind it.
When he flipped the dagger to clean the blade, the handle was facing me. So I snatched the dagger from his hand and before he could turn around, I Stabbed him in his back and dropped the dagger.
I came out from behind the trees and I found myself face to face with The Lady of the Forest.
" I thought you were going to be a good princess. I thought that you were different from your mom, but you obviously aren't. But don't worry, I'm not going to kill you. You are going to stay here though."
" No, I'm not."
" Yes you are, because your going to have no escape." She says as she starts to make hand movements. I take a look at the barrier, and it's starting to close.
I ran as fast as I can to my mom but I suddenly fall when I finally get near her. And that is because The Lady of the forest is holding my leg.
" Your going nowhere." She stated.
Without responding, I punch her straight across her face and she fell.
I get out of her grip, pick my mom up and run to barrier.
Then I start to hallucinate when I am in front of the barrier. My sister appears out of nowhere, then my friends appear next to her.
" Stay here." They all say.
Then I felt like I couldn't move. And I see The Lady of the Forest appear too.
" Listen to them, Stay here. You will be happier with your new life in this world..."
" Wait, I didn't knock her out?" I thought.
She slowly walked up to me with something behind her back, which was a needle.
" We will stay here with you." My friends and sister said.
  But I snapped out of it and remembered that everyone else already went through the barrier. The Lady of the Forest started to run to me and I kicked her in the stomach. Then I jumped through the barrier right before it closed, leaving The Lady Of the forest and the man unconscious on the forest floor.
Paige's POV
I'm getting really worried. Me, Hunter and Emma were in the living room of my house. And Charlotte didn't go through the barrier with us, I hope she didn't get stuck in the other world.
We turn our head to a sound and find my sister standing next to us with The Lady of the Stars in her arms.
" What took you so long?" I asked her .
" Well, it's a long story."
" What happened to The Lady of the Stars." Emma asked.
" The Lady of the Forest found us and stabbed my mom in the leg."
" I hope she will be alright though." Hunter said.
" I do too. Also it looks like the barrier is closed forever."
" That's great. I don't need an wolf coming after me." Emma said as the others started to laugh, I guess it's a inside joke.
" I think we should bring my Mom to the hospital to get her checked out."
" Yeah, there is one right around here."
" Do you want me to carry your Mom for you?" Hunter asked my sister.
" No, I will be alright." She responded
" Also, just one more thing. Do you guys promise to not tell anyone about that other world?" Emma asked.
" We promise." All of us said.
" Now let's go to the hospital before something else happens." I said.
All of us exited the house and made our way to the hospital.
Ok guys, that was the last actual chapter of this book! But make sure to stick around for the epilogue! :D

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