An Runion with plans made

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Recap : Emma and Paige get sucked in by the portal.
Paige's POV
When I was out of the portal, I felt like I was laying in dirt. Because I was. I quickly got up to brush the dirt off my pants then I find myself back on the ground.with something on my back, and that something was Emma.
" Oh, sorry Paige. I didn't know I would fall right on the top of you." Emma says as she get off my back.
" It's alright." I reply as I finally brush the dirt of my pants.
" So, do you know where we are?" I ask Emma
" Yeah. This is where Hunter and Charlotte are."
" At least we found my sister." I thought.
" Great, I see light over there. Follow me." I say as we walk ahead.
Ten minutes later...
When we found our way out of, well... that forest,  we found ourselves standing in front of an mansion.
" Do you think we could get any information on Charlotte and Hunter here?" Emma asked.
" I guess, let's see."
I knocked on the door and a few seconds later the door opened to reveal a woman with black hair and grey eyes.
" Hello there, who are you two ladies?"
" I'm Paige. And this is Emma." I replied as Emma smiled at the woman.
" Well, I am The Lady of the Forest. And I am the ruler of this place."
" Nice to meet you, Ma'am. Have you heard of anyone named Charlotte or Hunter?"
" Actually I know both of them. They are in my mansion, but they are sleeping. Why do you want to know?"
" Because I am Charlotte's sister and Emma is her best friend."
" Oh, ok. Then come in."
She gave both of us something to eat and she showed us two guest bedrooms.
" I can't wait to see their faces when they wake up and see us." I thought as I climbed into the bed in the room.
The next day...
Charlotte's POV
When I woke up, I saw that someone was in my room, which freaked me out a little. But I couldn't see who they were, since they had their back turned to me.
" Good morning Charlotte."' The person said, their voice sounded very familiar.
They turned around and the person was Emma.
" Emma! Your finally here!" I asked as I hugged her.
" Yeah. But how did you know that I was coming?"
" Hunter told me."
" Oh, ok. But how did you get here?"
" Hunter told me about a ring that was in your house. So when I came over, Paige let me in. And when we entered the living room, the ring sucked us in."
" Oh, alright then. Where is Paige?"
" She is still sleeping in her room."
" Ok. Does Hunter know you're here?"
" I did tell him that I would be coming, But he doesn't know that I am in here right now."
" Then let me wake him up and tell him that you are here."
Hunter's POV
When I was about to get out of my bed I heard someone slowly and quietly open the door. And the person who opened the door was no other than Charlotte.
" Well, Good morning Hunter."
" Good morning Charlotte."
She sat next to me on the edge of my bed and kissed my forehead.
" I have some good news."
" Which is?"
" That Emma and Paige are here!"
" Really? But do you mean in this mansion or in this half of the universe?"
" Hey Hunter!" A familiar voice exclaimed as a person stood in front of my door.
And that person was Emma.
" Hey Emma, glad to see you here."
" Also, thanks for answering my question Emma." I was thinking at the same time.
" Isn't Paige here too?" I asked.
" Yeah, she is. She is still sleeping in her room." Charlotte replied.
" Let's go see if she is up." Emma replied.
Me and Charlotte got up from the bed and followed Emma to the room Paige was sleeping in.
The Lady of the Forest's POV
As I got out of my room, I started to hear some voices that belonged to teenagers. They must be awake.
I still can't believe that my sister wants to overthrow me. I deserve to be the main ruler, since I have built most of this kingdom anyway. I can't risk having my sister turning back into that horrible monster. Then having it destroy everything that I have built. A smirk forms on my face as I finally come up with a plan to prevent her from taking over the kingdom.
So Charlotte, Hunter, Emma and Paige are finally together, but it looks like The Lady of the Forest has a " plan" to apparently stop her sister from overthrowing her. So stay tuned for the next chapter to see what will happen next! ^^

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