The game plan

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Recap: The Lady of the Forest has a plan.
Paige's POV
Later that day...
Charlotte, Hunter and Emma were talking in the living room and I decided to take a nap in my room. For some reason I feel really sleepy today.
  Right when I climbed in my bed, I heard faint murmurs. The Lady of the Forest's bedroom was next to mine and as curious as I am I decided to eavesdrop.
" How am I going to go forth with this?"
With what?
" I mean, seriously though, those kids will notice that something is wrong. But I am going to have to do it anyways, for the kingdom. Even if it means killing my own sister."
Wait, What now!? I have to tell the others this right now, especially Charlotte.
Hunter's POV
" Anyways,how are we going to get back home?" Emma asked.
" Maybe I could ask the Lady of the Stars to transport us home, that is how I got back last time." Charlotte replied.
" That is a great idea, but can she tr-"
I was cut off when Paige stepped in.
" I have something very important." She states as she sits next to Charlotte on the couch.
" Which is?" Emma asked.
" The Lady of the Forest wants to kill The Lady of the Stars."
" How do you know that she is going to do that for sure?" Charlotte asked after a couple minutes of silence.
" When I was going to take my nap,I heard the Lady of the Forest talking to herself. So I eavesdropped and heard her say that."
" you know eavesdropping is not good, right?" I asked.
" Well, I'm not sorry for doing it. Otherwise you guys won't even know that The Lady of the Forest was planning something against Charlotte's mother."
" True though." Emma said.
" But what can we do to make sure that her plan doesn't work?" Charlotte questioned.
" we can take away all her weapons." I suggested .
" I guess we could start with that."
" Start with what?" A voice asked.
We all turned our heads to find The Lady of the Forest standing next to us.
" Has she decided that she wants to be a stalker too?" I asked myself in my head.
" A game, since we were bored. Right guys?" I lied.
" Yeah." Everybody said at once.
" Oh, alright then. Enjoy your game." She replied as she walked out of the living room and went upstairs.
" Well, that was quick." Emma said.
" Yeah, that was. Is there anything else we could do?" Paige asked.
" We could get The Lady of the Stars or The Lady of the Forest out of this half of the universe." Emma suggested.
"Probably we could do that. But I'm not sure how." Charlotte said.
" How about we just take her weapons and talk about this later?" I suggested.
" That sounds good. Let me see if she is sleeping in her room." Paige says as she exits the living room and heads upstairs.
2 minutes later...
" She is sleeping." Paige announces as she enters the living room.
" so let's see what weapons we can find in her room." Charlotte whispers as we go upstairs and quietly enter The Lady of the Forest's room.
3rd person POV
Fifteen minutes later...
  The Teens quietly exit The Lady of the Forest's room with much more weapons than they thought they would find. But what they didn't know that the weapon The Lady of the Forest was going to use wasn't in her bedroom. And she didn't even own it, as if yet...
So you guys finally found out The Lady of the Forest's plan and to see what happens next, stay tuned for the next chapter! :D

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