The incident from another prospective...

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Recap - Charlotte thinks that the Lady of the Forest sent the Wolf.



A few hours before the wolf incident, in the other half of the world, The Lady of the Forest is looking out the window of her mansion. She had just heard that Charlotte, this girl that was here a few days ago, found out who her real mother is. The Lady of the Forest was told that she had to act as Charlotte's "mother". To keep this girl safe, from her real mother, the Lady of the Stars.

She was her sister, but a few years back they had a argument . They had many before, but it wasn't like that particular one. Which was about who should be the queen of their new found land.

The lady of the stars really wanted to be queen, so much that her sprit had taken over her. Then in a instant, there stood an monster with black wings and fangs, with mist the colors of the galaxy surrounding it. The lady of the forest used all of her strength to turn her back, but failed.

Instead, the town they built, that was soon going to be their kingdom, was destroyed. And it was left like that for months, as the Lady of the Forest regained her strength.

When she was finally strong enough, she banished the Lady of the Stars into the galaxy, where she is still imprisoned in today.

She doesn't want Charlotte to release her mother, as it might endanger her kingdom. She must regain her trust, somehow.

And the only was is by bringing her back. But she must disguise herself as something, a wolf probably.

The lady of the Forest's POV

at the cafeteria  ( When the incident happened)

Finally, I found her. she was sitting with a boy with blond hair and a girl who also had brown hair.

I headed over to their table, then everybody else in the room started running.

Why are they running? Because i'm an grown up? Oh right, I'm a wolf right now.

Well, since everybody is gone, I guess I could take her. I lunge forward, but she dodged.

I ended up behind her and Charlotte didn't notice me.

This is the perfect time to take her, but I decide to wait a few seconds.

When I finally lunge again, someone pushes her out of the way. This plan is going to be harder than I thought.

" Where is Charlotte?" I thought, and apparently for too long.

Because I felt someone wrap a rope around me. Why does this have to happen?

I look in front of me to see that boy. This must be the boy Charlotte has a crush one.

A few minutes later

Well those kids left and I am very happy for Charlotte, since her crush just asked her to be his girlfriend.

Now, I should get out of here before anyone finds me.

I look around, then find a window, and there was a view of a few trees, where no one could find me.

Good thing the window is open. I jump through, walking behind the trees and go back the way I came into this half of the world.


So I tried telling the story from someone else's perspective, the Lady of the Forest! And this is the first time I used a 3RD person POV in this story, but I hope you guys still enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one! :D

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