Day 0 - Part I

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Harry's POV:

Call after call, interview after interview. This week has not been easy for me and everything seems to be accumulating since I made the statement two days ago. I should have waited but I just couldn't do it anymore, I needed release and that was my solution, the only way I had to feel free once and for all. The band was okay with it, we've been thinking of it for a while now but now it was finally the moment.

Our reps on the other hand weren't that happy, but its our decision after all, they had to agree.

We made the decision together as a band, we were in the fourth or fifth month of touring, exactly three months ago. We didn't like what we were doing, it wasn't the same. We agreed on finishing the tour, we had to. Even though the music sounded tedious, not even the loudest crowd could make me feel alive again. I didn't understand at first - well, I still don't understand - my only explanation is that I should do something else, something on my own this time.

Its been a while since I started feeling incomplete. I don't know the reason, it just happened. There were a few nights that I didn't want to go on stage, or I didn't care if I sang the correct lyrics or even care to hit the notes. There were days that it was too much, it was too loud and I just needed to be alone. That's why I decided to go solo, I can't promote a sound that doesn't define me. At least not anymore.

This brings a lot of pressure to my plate also. I don't have idea what I'm going to do, I need time to think everything through. I'm used to being rounded by the band, touring with them not only as band mates but as friends, writing and composing the songs with them. I definitely need a break, maybe that's what I'll do now. Take a break.

Maybe I'll take a holiday, take my guitar with me and go to a deserted island and just compose whatever I want; Or stay at home for an unknown amount of time and not think about music for a while, its crazy to think that I purchased a house and I have only slept there for like five days tops. I seriously don't know what I'm going to do, I have never take a break before. Even during holidays I was focused on writing and making new songs.

While I roll on this leather chair as I wait for the driver to arrive, I stare at a picture on my phone that I have as a background. Its a picture of me and my mum while she holds Olivia, her cat. I can't help but smile, I miss her a lot. I should give her a call, its been a while.

"Ready, Harry?" Claire pops her head inside of the dressing room and I just nod my head, following her outside.

"The schedule is free for the rest of the week and the label will see you next week, okay?" She says to me while I wave at the fans outside of the studio. "Be prompt, you know they don't like tardiness."

"I'll be on time, don't worry." I say to her as I give her a quick hug.

"See you around Harry." She says when I let go.

"Bye Claire." I wave good bye at her as she walks away.

I walk to where the fans are to sign some autographs and pose at some pictures but the truth is I'm not feeling cheery, I want to rest and sleep. Its been a rough morning of going places and fake-smiling at the cameras. After a couple of pictures I step back, giving them all a smile as I wave goodbye.

That's something else that changed within me. I barely feel happy these days. Nothing makes me happy. Nothing.

I have never been a cheerful person, I'm known by my attitude and continuous cursing, but even there I didn't feel this... Empty. I'm empty.

Once inside the car I throw my body on the seat and take my jacket off, the weather has been horrendously cold these days.

"Where to now, Haz?" Clyde asks from the front seat. I take a moment to respond as he drives off the parking lot.

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