Day 1 - Part I

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{From now on it will be on Frances POV , so don't get confused xx}

Planes have always made me nervous since I was a kid. I don't like the landings or the take offs, that horrible vertigo feeling during turbulence. This time, Michael is with me helping me get through it but I also have to help him, he is claustrophobic so of course being trapped in between two seats does not help at all. What a team. 

"When are we going to land?" He asks, tapping his fingers on the armrest between us.

"In about twenty minutes." I say for the third time in the past five minutes. "Don't worry, we'll be okay."

"And he is going to pick you up at the airport, right?" His voice is full of anxiety, we definitely should stick to travel by train or car.

"He is." I reassure him, enlacing my arm in his and resting my head in his shoulder.

After finishing our call yesterday, I had to sit in the sand for some minutes to let everything sink in. I couldn't believe that Harry finally called after long months of being apart. I thought he didn't remember me but he always finds a way to surprise. And second, I couldn't believe I accepted to go to Edinburgh with him. I'm probably crazy for accepting but this will be my last trip in a while, I already found a place I want to stay.

Leaving Barcelona wasn't easy, specially when I know that's the place I want to live in. Saying goodbye to the beach that enamored me, to the friends I made along the past months, to the city and the most special culture I have come across. I really can't wait to go back.

Michael supported my idea of moving there. He's more than happy for me, he even said he was thinking on visiting me on holidays with the rest of our gypsy friends.

"Do you think he can give me a ride to the train station?" He asks, closing his eyes after moving his eyes around the cabin. A nervous claustrophobic habit, I guess.

"I'll have to ask but I think there would not be a problem." I reply, just when the light of the seat belts lights on indicating we are about to descend.

I take his hand instantly, closing my eyes as well. We look like a couple of nervous anxious grandparents about to piss their pants. The only thing that keeps me together is the thought that in less than five minutes we are going to be on the ground and the vertigo will be gone. The flight attendant speaks through the speaker telling us the descend will begin shortly.

"Are you alright?" He holds my hand tightly and I nod my head even though his eyes are closed.

"Are you?" I ask as well, he just leaves a small nervous sound out that actually makes me laugh.

In less time than I expected we safely land in London, letting me release a huge breath I didn't know I was holding. Michael was the first to stand up to get his bags, making small impatiently jumps until the gates were open. He technically pushed the stewardess away and dodge everyone on their way until he was outside. He literally ran away from the plane and I couldn't hold my laugh while I followed him outside.

"Sorry, sorry... He's claustrophobic, my apologies..." I grab my bag and make my way outside of the plane as well. "Wait for me! Mickey!" I yell once I'm outside, running behind him so I can reach him.

"Wohoo! Air! I love air!" He stops opening his arms and spinning around in circles.

"You're weird." I finally reach him catching my breath. "Let's get ourselves out of here."

For our luck we only traveled with carry on so I make him follow me to the check out zone immediately, the line is kind of long so I decide to get my cellphone out of my pocket to let Harry know I'm here. Michael starts poking me while I wait for my phone to turn on, sometimes I feel like I'm friends with a five year old kid.

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