A Week Later

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Airports have never been my favorite places but I have learned to like them. They are always crowded with people getting in and out, all crazy to get out of it and to the city awaiting outside. Just like the rest of the people in here, I'm waiting for my bag so I can finally leave this airport as well, I'm desperate to step in Barcelona again. 

I've been waiting for so long for this day to come. It took me months to finally find a place I feel great in, I'm excited. Way more than I expected. 

Everything is settled for me in here, I did all the arrangements this past week when I was in Oxford visiting Michael. I found an apartment that is not so expensive and I can cost it for two months at least until I find a job. A friend that I met the last time I was here told me he will give me his old bike and that will help me to get to the interviews I'm planning to attend. 

Finally my bag rolls out and I come to get it, moving to the last check-up to finally leave. I check the time, its three in the afternoon so I have enough time to get to my new place using the Metro. The guards check my bag and I step outside the airport, people waiting outside as well for people to walk out. 

I can't help but smile, I'm so happy to be here. 

With my bags in my hand, I walk to the station of the airport to begin my journey to my place. I follow the instructions the landlord gave me, I hope I don't get lost and take the correct connections. 

When I'm finally inside the first wagon, I insert the new chip for my phone and text my mom and my sister, telling them that I arrived well. Then, I text Michael. I had a great time with him this week, it helped me get through everything that happened last weekend. 

He knows me well, when I arrived to Oxford and he noticed I was quiet, when I'm usually very talkative, he knew something was happening. I had to tell him, about our fights, about everything Harry told me that weekend. I told him that he said he really cared about me, about his tattoo, about what happened after the wedding and finally I told him that I had to leave, I couldn't handle it. 

Michael was really comprehensive, he supported me but he also defended him. He made me realize he wasn't wrong, either. It made me think and evaluate everything but I think it was too late because I waited, but just like the last time, not a single text or call, he didn't come for me.

He didn't care. 

Even when Michael convinced me to call him, he didn't even answer. That was my last bit of home and he crushed it. 

I promised myself to never be let down by someone anymore and I'm really trying my best to not let it affect me. It does affect me but I'm trying to move on. He did the same thing once and I managed to survived. I'm sure I can survive again, I just need time and keep my head distracted. Thankfully, moving to a new place will keep me very much occupied.  

I thanked Michael a thousand times when I left. He's such a good friend, I can't wait for him to finish his courses so he can come and visit me. 

My first connection approaches and I manage to survive it, getting in the next wagon on time. Most of these names are words I already know in Spanish so its not that difficult, what it is difficult is getting to the next train before it leaves while carrying two bags. 

After forty minutes of taking connections and different routes, I arrive to my stop. Poblenou. 

When I finish the stairs of the Metro I come out to a partially sunny sky. I don't control my smile once again, I love it here already. 

Since I'm tired of all the walking with these bags, I take a cab and trying my best I give the driver the direction of where I'm going. We arrive in seven minutes, he parks in front of an old looking building, the people inside the apartments have colourful curtains so it gives the building some personality. 

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