Day 2 - Part III

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We finish our meal and by the time we were having dessert everyone at the table started to stand up going their own ways. I'm finishing my apple pie when I see Harry placing his napkin that was previously resting on his lap on his plate. Then he stands up, running his hand through his hair.

"Off you go, love?" Anne says from her seat, giving him a smile.

"Uh, yeah. I heard that there's a driving range here. I'll spend the afternoon there." He stands right behind my chair. "Frances? A word, please?"

"Sure." I stand up as well, Anne nods at us with a smile returning to her tea.

We walk a few steps away standing by a tall window with a view to the gardens. The landscape outside is beautiful, I'm fascinated with this place.

"Tonight I'm taking my mum to dinner, you know, to catch up with her." He says playing with the rings in his fingers, his voice is low and hides his nervousness perfectly. "You have the key to your room, right?"

"Yeah." I take it out of my pocket to show him. "And don't worry, I'll find something to do in the meantime, if that's what worries you."

"No, its not that." He chuckles slightly, finally showing an emotion. I can't help but smile in my insides. "I just... It seems wrong leave you alone."

You didn't have a problem with that last night. I say to myself in my head.

"Don't worry." I say again giving him half a smile. "Have fun with your mom. I'm sure I will while shopping."

"Okay." He leaves a breath out, a tight smile on his lips. "I see you later then."

I give him one last smile and walk away to where Anne is standing waiting for me. We both glance up to him and wave goodbye before walking away from the restaurant.

She guides me to her rental car and I follow right behind her. I know she is cool and so lovely, but she is still his mom. I'm really nervous to be alone with her, its been a while since the last time I felt this nervous. At least she is nothing like the mom's of my previous boyfriends - not that Harry is my boyfriend, ha - but you get what I'm saying.

Once inside of the car she starts the engine, the radio instantly comes on and the car fills with the sound of a violin playing, more classical music, I see.

"Harry loves to hear classical music while driving too." I say while buckling my belt. "It runs in the family, I guess."

"Oh yeah. He got it from me, mostly." She smiles proudly, taking the wheel and driving away from the hotel. "Back in the day I was quite the pianist. Played in front of a sold out theater."

"Wow. Really?" I open my mouth in agape. "That's amazing! I would love to hear you play."

"Oh, no. I'm too shy now." He giggles shyly. I turn to look at her, she really is beautiful. Black straight hair, and not even one single wrinkle in her face and not exactly for beauty treatments. "I stopped playing when I got pregnant with...Um, my first child."

She coughs nervously, its now that I realize she is talking about Harry's sister. He told me about her back when we met. One of the reasons I thought we clicked back then, we were so open with each other. Very different from this trip.

"Gemma, right?" I ask in a condescending voice.

She moves her eyebrows up, turning to look at me for a moment.

"Yeah." She says returning on driving. "Did... Did he tell you about her?" She asks surprised, in a sweet way. Like she can't believe he finally talked to someone about that.

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