Day 1 - Part II

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Some minutes have passed since we left his house and so far the car has been in complete silence. That gives me some time to inspect the space around me. This is a nice car, its spacious and it smells like new. The cream leather seats are almost untouched, which makes me wonder how many times he has drive this car. 

While he drives I can't help but check the view outside, I haven't had the chance to explore London yet -at least not fully- I only spend two days here the last time I came and it wasn't enough. I'm sure there's more to this city. The street is full of people and there's a bit of jam traffic, its five in the afternoon. 

He stops at a red light and I hear his hand full of rings slide along the wheel. I feel his eyes on me which makes me blush slightly but I still keep my eyes focused outside.

"You've changed." He finally says breaking the silence in the car. It takes my attention so I slowly turn to look at him, a shy smile on my face.

"How's so?" I ask placing a flick of my hair behind my ear.

"Well, you look different, in a good way." He moves his hand to where mine is, placing my hair behind my ear for me. "You look serene. Happy."

"Thank you." I say shyly, biting down my bottom lip. "I am happy."

"I'm glad to hear that." He drops his hand to my shoulder, moving his fingers there. "Your hair is different too, lighter. It suits you." The light turns green so he goes back on driving.

I blush slightly by his words, taking a look at him. "Your hair is different also." Even though its difficult to tell because of the hat. "Its shorter, right?"

"Yeah, I cut it recently." He shakes his hair with his hand but the hat doesn't let him do it properly.

"Are you wearing a disguise or something?" I chuckle moving my eyes front. "The hat and the sunglasses, seems like you're trying to hide."

"Well, kinda." He laughs as well, taking his hat off and throwing it at me. He ruffles his hair and pushes it back. "Better?" 

I look at him once again, a smile forming on my lips. He does look better without it, you can see his face better.

"Yeah." I simply say, taking his hat in my hands. Its very smooth.

"Why are you trying to hide?" I can't help but ask.

"Well, I don't want to bring much attention." He holds on tight on the wheel, my eyes moving instantly to his hands. "Specially not when I'm about to be on the high way for eight hours."

"The hat kinda brings more attention though." I add and that only makes him laugh a little. 

Then, the car is once again in silence, its weird to be quiet around him when the conversation seemed to flow naturally last time. Its not that there's no topics right now, its just that for some reason we are nervous around each other and I don't understand why. I decide to not put much thought to it, letting my mind go somewhere else.

On the other hand, I can't stop thinking about Barcelona. When I said goodbye to Carla I told her to help me find a place there. She told me she was going to start looking and she's going to let me know as soon as she finds a place, I can't wait for her call. Maybe even we can share an apartment, it would be easier if I share a place with someone.

Suddenly my stomach grumbles, I put my hand over it hoping it wasn't loud enough. All of the nervousness made me forgot I didn't have lunch today. The last meal I had was a small croissant before my flight and its five in the afternoon, of course I'm hungry. I take a look around the car but I don't find any sign of food or snacks.

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