Day 3 - Part III

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When I was in Barcelona it took me some minutes to think and finally accept to come to Edinburgh with Harry in a road trip. In the past he left me heartbroken, I couldn't believe he didn't call in those long months.

But right now, with his face in my hands and his lips on my lips, I don't care about anything else than this kiss. I missed him, I missed how his lips felt. All those times I daydreamed of having him in front of me again, all those days I felt my heart broken waiting for his call, and I'm finally here, kissing him. 

"Frances..." He moves his lips away for a moment. "Wait..."

I open my eyes, wanting to close the gap between us again. I look at him, his thumb running on my cheek.

"I don't want to cross the line. I don't want you to think I'm using you." His eyes look ashamed.

I don't respond right away, his eyes are so mesmerizing in this sunset light. His full persona takes my breath away. This time it's me the one that has to show him what he means to me.

"Come with me." I say, convinced of what I'm going to do. "I have something to show you." 

I take his hand in mine and start walking towards the hotel, getting away from the wedding. He doesn't hesitate to follow me, so I just keep walking. The elevators were already in the lobby so I step inside mine. Once in my floor I look for my key and instantly open the door.

"Go sit over there." I say pointing to the bed, while I place my stuff on the table next to the door. "I'll be there in a second."

He nods, walking there.

While he's there I go to my bag and look for my sketchbook, I haven't used it in a while but its time I open up to him. I open it and look for the drawings, I feel that he needs to see them now for him to trust me.

"I... I don't know where to start." I close the book, leaving a finger in the page to mark it. "I... Um, like seven months ago, I needed something to, um, forget something that really hurt me."

I walk towards him, he's sitting on the bed, his hand on his knees.

"My journey was just beginning and as more places I knew the more inspired I was." I explain to him. "But... I couldn't erase that something. I couldn't."

I sit next to him, opening the book for him to see.

"I drew you, over and over. Sometimes were just your eyes..." I touch the drawings, the soft graphite painting my fingers. "Sometimes your hands... It helped, as weird as it sounds."

"Frances..." He takes the book from me, taking notice of the complete page. His eyebrows are up. "These... These are..."

"I thought you would appreciate them." I smile, looking at how his eyes are glowing looking at my sketchbook. "You have one of my drawings tattooed on you after all."

He keeps looking at the book, moving his finger under the words, he grins.

"Lyrics of my songs. You..." He turns to look at me. "You heard my songs."

"I... Yeah, I did. I told you I was going to." I nudge his arm. "You guys are actually not that bad."

"I'm... I... I don't have words." He closes the book, putting it aside. "You really felt for me. Truly. Did you?"

"I did." I say, feeling my cheeks flush a little.

"Why are you showing me this?" He asks, his eyes pointing at the window, orange light filling my room.

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