Day 3 - Part I

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The ceremony starts at noon, that made me wake up early to get ready in time. I took a long hot bath right before ordering room service, this entire morning has been all about pampering myself, not every day you get the chance to stay in a place as beautiful as here. I shaved my legs, cut and painted my nails and last but not least, did my own hair. 

Its always nice to make an effort to look good once in a while, well, at least for me. I'm not the type of girl that takes care of her appearance, I barely use make up anymore. Right now, I'm doing my make up and I should hurry, the clock reads ten thirty and Harry told meet him at the lobby thirty minutes before the ceremony, that's an hour from now. 

I would be lying if I say I'm not excited. I am, incredibly. I love weddings and everything that comes with it. The food, the partying, the feeling of love all around. And, its an excuse to dress up and look cute. Like I said, I'm not a girly type of girl but from time to time I like to pretend I am, wearing heels instead of flats, wearing a dress instead of jeans, doing my hair instead of leaving it natural. I should do it more often, but to be honest, I'm too lazy to spend a lot of time curling my hair. 

Finally, my make up is done and I step inside of the dress, zipping the back with some difficulty. I look at myself in the full length mirror in the bathroom. I smile seeing the result of my effort, there's only one thing I'm missing. I walk to my bag and get a pair of diamond earrings that my grandma gave me when I turned sixteen. I put them on, completing the look. 

I feel proud of my work, I look like an actual girl right now. 

I put on my heels and get my purse, only my phone inside and my lipstick, just in case of a touch up. I take a last look in the mirror before opening the door, checking the clock that now reads eleven twenty. 

As I wait for the elevator, I try to control my nerves. I'm so excited to see Harry. I think I have never seen him in a suit. Will he wear a suit? Well, of course he will. I just feel like he's not going to wear an ordinary suit, he has his own style. And also, I'm a bit excited for him to see me like this. Its different, for sure, I just hope he reacts well. 

After he left my room last night I can't stop thinking about all the things he said. I think of it and it puts a smile on my face. He showed me that I mean something to him, something more than just a name on his list of girls. He thought of me during the time we were apart. For Christ sake, he has a tattoo of the drawing I gave to him. 

I'm still not sure how to handle that, its a tattoo, something that lasts forever. He really is a character and as weird as it sounds, I like his gesture. It makes me feel special, more than that. Somehow, I left a mark on him and this is his way of showing it to me. 

The elevator finally arrives and I step inside, my nerves consuming me. I try to distract myself paying attention to the details inside of the elevator. This hotel really puts a lot of effort in the details, everything is designed perfectly to make you feel in a real life Disney tale. 

When the doors open in the lobby, I'm shocked to see different flowers in the table right in the middle of the entry, this time all white flowers in a big crystal base. I walk closer to it, its incredibly beautiful. The rest of the flowers in the room changed as well, the entire lobby smells amazing. 

When did they change the flowers? I went to my room late last night and I didn't notice anyone changing anything.

"Frances?" I hear a deep voice just a few steps from me, taking all my attention. I look to my right and find Harry standing by the stairs, instantly my mouth falls to the floor. 

I open my mouth to say something but instead, my face gets consumed by a smile. He looks so... so... So him. But even more handsome. I knew he wasn't going to pick a normal suit. 

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