Day 1 - Part V

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I received an invitation to participate in a contest to get my book published. (They didn't specify which book) and I really need your help for this because the contest is run by votes, the book that gets more votes wins. 

Which book would you like to see published? (If you're on a computer just comment which number, if you're reading on your phone highlight the number and leave a comment)

1- Knocked Up

2- The Flight 

Thank you so much in advance!!! This really means a lot to me!!! 

You can enjoy the chapter now. :) Byeeee


We came downstairs after leaving our stuff in the room, I wasn't denying the possibility of having a warm meal in this stormy night even less to a friendly person like Jossie. In the living room there was at least sixteen people, all gathered around a large wooden table with chairs of different taste. They all chat about different things while they pass a basket of bread around the table, until they notice us both standing by the corridor. 

"Oh, look! Jensen, make place for the young couple. I'm sure they want to sit together." Jossie says while holding a big pot with cloth gloves. 

"Thank you." I say while walking to where Jensen is placing the chairs for us. Harry sits right beside me trying to put a smile on his face. 

Next to me there's a red haired man already eating his pot, using a piece of bread as a spoon to hold some of the vegetables on the soup. It smells delicious even from here. A young boy places two bowls in front of us and Jossie came right away to fill them. A woman from the other side of the table passes us the basket of bread and I take it with a smile. 

If there wasn't a sign outside saying this was a motel, I would believe we were just a big English family sharing a nice warm meal before going to bed. I can't help but look at every person on the table. There's a couple at the end of the table, the woman that passed me the bread, with two kids and a baby around them, all of them with bright blonde hair. Next to the couple, there's a boy with black rimmed glasses and a book on his free hand. There's a group of five talking in another language, Swedish if I'm not wrong, all of them wearing soccer jerseys. Then, right next to us, there's a middle age couple that don't look so interested in making conversation. 

Harry remains quiet next to me, eating his soup in silence and looking straight at the wall. I know he didn't want to stay the night but he has to understand we had to. I move my eyes to the wall as well and catch myself looking at a collection of porcelain plates hanging on the wall. Very colorful with different themes. 

"All of them were made by Jensen's ancestors. Aren't they lovely?" Jossie notice we were looking right at the plates, she sits next to Jensen in the middle of the table. "He even made some of those. Tell them, love." 

"Oh no, I'm too shy." The bald man shakes his head while his entire face gets consumed in red. "I'm not that good of an artist." 

"I think they're beautiful." I compliment him, making him blush even deeper. 

"Frances is an artist as well." Harry says out of nowhere, he's been so quiet since we got here that it actually brings goosebumps to my skin. "She makes amazing drawings." 

"Do you, love? That's wonderful." Jossie smiles at me, waiting for an answer. 

"I... I'd like to think I'm decent." I blush as well, not as hard as Jensen. I forgot Harry saw one of my drawings back in the flight. I even gave it to him, if I'm not wrong. 

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