Day 3 - Part II

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"Two champagnes, please." Harry stands in front of the bar, with my hand still tangled in his.

Inside the tent where the party is being held everything is completely decorated, every single detail distracts me and I have to control my head from moving all around. I notice everyone finding their tables with the tags on it, some chatter fills the room along with a soft music a band is playing.

"Here you go." He finally lets go of my hand and grabs the two glasses, handing me one. "Shall we go find our table?"

"Yeah. I think your mom already found it." I say, noticing she's waving at us.

He guides our steps, his arm now around my waist. I hate to admit it but I like how affective he is being today. I don't want to get confused and jump to conclussions but its being very difficult for me to just ignore it. I like it and I'm going to go with it.

We are sitted in the table next to the bride, along with four other people. Its now that I'm noticing that Anne came with someone, Harry didn't mention it. And now that I'm looking around I notice everyone at the wedding has a partner, even the kids come in pairs. That is definitely strange.  

"Crystal, this is my son Harry as I was telling you." Anne says to the lady next to her as soon as we arrive to the table. "She works with me."

"So you're Crystal." He shakes her hand politely, a sleek smile on his face. "Nice to meet you."

"And this beautiful lady is Frances." Anne introduces me as well, making me blush a little.

"How do you do?" I say, shaking her hand as well.

"What a beautiful couple you two make." She says with a warm smile at the two of us.

"Thank you." Harry says right before  tried to correct her. With that he pulls me a bit closer to him with his hand on his waist.

What game is he playing?

Whatever it is, it makes my stomach fill with butterflies and I'm enjoying it.

Soon enough the food is served and we all sit to eat. Before we start eating the groom makes a toast thanking everyone for assisting to the wedding and giving a little love speech to his wife. We all awww  at his words and cheer with him afterwards.

The first plate is a salad with a lot of colors and a delicious dressing. Everyone at the table is listening to Crystal's partner, he's talking about the new economic reforms in the European Union, that to be honest is not an interesting topic for me but I still listen carefully to what he says.

"But don't you think is a harsh move? It benefits the people with money but not the ordinary people. Its not fair." Harry comments, moving his fork directly to my plate.

I have to stop moving my hand for a second suppressing a laugh. He's taking the tomatoes out of my plate.

After they finish their talk and just when Harry is about to pinch another tomato out of my plate, I whisper to him,"Old habits die hard, huh?" I say, taking a bite of my salad.

"I just can't believe you don't like tomatoes. Their delicious." He says shaking his head at me.

"We're not having this conversation again." I give him a smile. "Besides, I don't mind at all. You can have them all."

"You're willing to give all your tomatoes to me?" He says with a surprised smile. "For the rest of your life?"

"That's a weird proposal." I try my best to not laugh out loud.

"Okay. At least for the rest of your salad?" He smiles widely, leaning a little closer.

"How can I say no to that?" I say, this time letting a little laugh out. I'm just too giggly today.

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