Day 3 - Part IV

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Never before I was so hurried to pack my bags. Not even when I left Los Angeles, not even when I left Ben some time ago. This time is different, I have to leave because I can't stand to stay any longer. This was too good to be true.

This whole weekend, since the beginning, was too good to be true.

I don't regret coming here, it was too special. He was too special, but it's too much. We can't be together, not like this, not under these circumstances. It hurts.

It hurts so much because, a part of me, really wants to stay and be with him. Fuck, how I do. That's why I'm reminding myself what I'm doing: you're focusing on yourself Frances. In your own happiness. And my happiness is in Barcelona, miles away from here.

Making a stop, I take a look at this beautiful hotel room one last time. It looks like the bedroom of a princess taken out of a fairytale. I feel lucky, never in a million years I would have thought I'd stay in a place like this and with him I had the chance. I still have the chance to stay but it doesn't feel right.

I take a look around to check if I have everything with me, I think I do. I leave as fast as I can, afraid that if I stay more time I would not be able to leave.

I don't stop at the lobby, I left the keys at the door and its unlocked. I just want to leave. I walk rapidly to the entrance, I remember a sign in the reception that said if you wanted to call a cab you have to notify them and they will call it for you. Well, I guess I can just use Uber.

With the phone in my hand, I go to the app and when I have to enter a destiny, I don't know what to type. Where do I go? The train station? The Airport? And where? Oxford? London? I'm in Edinburgh! I'm not thinking straight.

Out of nowhere, I hear a voice calling me. I look up from my phone and see Harry's cousin meters from me. Ellie.

"Frances? What are you doing out here?" She asks with a smile on her face, suddenly her eyes fall to the bag next to me and the smile erases. "You're leaving?"

"Uh, yeah, I..." Suddenly I realize my pulse is accelerated, my hands are slightly shaking. "I have to leave sooner than I expected."

"Oh. Why? I thought you were leaving tomorrow. Like everyone else." She grimaces.

"Um, something came up." I think of an excuse but nothing comes to my mind. "I have to be in London in the morning." I finally say. So, London, I just decided apparently.

"Work? I understand." She chuckles, shaking her head. "Where are you headed? The airport?"

"Um..." I look to my phone once again, the Uber app opened and without a destiny.

"The airport is just fifteen minutes away from here. I'm sure Harry can take you." She says, clueless.

"I didn't want to... Interrupt him with his family." It hurts to hear his name. "So, I just..."

"Well, I can take you. Let me just get my keys!" She offers, very kindly.

"Oh, no. Its your mom's wedding Ellie, I... I can just... Call an Uber." I say, my voice sounding more normal now. "And I was thinking taking a train instead."

"Are you okay?" She chuckles, looking at me. "My mum is too drunk, wait in here, I'll take you."

Before I can refuse she leaves and enters to the hotel, leaving me outside with my bag, more confused than ever. His family is so nice, everyone is so polite. He's lucky to have them.

I'm just afraid of waiting in here too long that I run into another family member, or worse, him.

Luckily, in no time she arrives with the car keys in her hands and I rush inside of the car. A part of me is glad she's taking me because I have to save up money. God knows how much longer my savings are going to last and I'm not even in Barcelona yet to look for a job. Maybe Michael can lend me some money, he's always loaded.

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