Day 0 - Part II

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Frances POV:

Hugo is singing with his guitar, everyone else is sitting around the fire singing along to his melody. Its starting to get dark and chilly, I feel my skin warm from the sun today making my head light, my lips are salty, something usual when you spend a lot of time in the sea and my feet feel a little tired, so I grab my sweater and sit by the fire as I join the song. This couldn't be a better last day in Barcelona.

"Lady, running down to the riptide." We sing together, moving our bodies from side to side. "Taken away to the dark side..."

"I wanna be your lentil man." We all start cracking up when he sings the wrong lyrics, we then let Hugo sing alone this time. 

The melody goes perfect with the environment, I'm really in love with today.

"He's very cute, isn't he?" Carla asks me in her beautiful Spanish accent.

She's referring to Hugo, the past three weeks we have spend in Spain I have seen her looking at him with heart eyes. There's definitely chemistry between them but they have still not interacted with each other.

"I think you should go talk to him." I say, nudging her arm. She looks at him and blushes, he was looking back at her while he was singing.

"Really? Me da mucha vergüenza." She smiles shyly at him looking away, hiding her face in my shoulder.

"No seas tonta. What can you lose? Its our last day here." I encourage her, nudging her arm again. "I won't take no as an answer."

"Oookay, alright." She giggles, sitting up and accommodating her hair. "Do I look good?" 

"You look great, go!" I push her as she stands up, she walks to where Hugo is while she is staring back at me. She gives me a small thumbs up and sits beside him. I'm a good cupid.

As I stare at both of them interact a smile forms on my face. I really like being here, being rounded by these amazing people that I'm lucky to call friends. Real friends, the ones that support you and are there for you. I'm definitely returning to Spain, specially here to Barcelona. It's my favorite place so far.

I still have to go to Italy, but I doubt it can top my love for the waves here. It's not only the beach that I like, but the city. It's so vivid and warm, the people is so nice and I'm practicing my Spanish a lot. I love the vibe you feel at night and the peace you feel during the day. I feel like I belong here.

Maybe this is the place where I want to settle in. I could look for a job near the beach, maybe a bar or a restaurant. Carla can help me look for a place. My smile keeps growing by the thought. I can't wait to tell Michael. 

Michael has been my loyal companion through this journey.  He decided to join me because he also was feeling like having a break. At the end of his semester he joined me and the group I found along the way, we were in Amsterdam by the time. We have been gypsies for the past five months and I couldn't love it more.

Sadly, everything comes to an end.

Its time to part our ways and find adventures by ourselves. We are definitely going to keep in contact and maybe travel again on holidays, but the majority of us have responsibilities to attend, like going back to work or uni. We leave tomorrow, that's why we decided to have a beach day. We made burgers, drink sangria and of course, surfing. 

I really can't wait to come back here to stay. I should probably tell Michael that after I get my things at his place I'm coming back here. 

I can't wait to start experiencing new things in this amazing city.

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