Day 1 - Part IV

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Right now we are passing by Staffordshire, by night it looks just like the other districts we have passed by, quiet with not-so-busy streets and the passing lights of the streetlights. I look at the map in the GPS on the panel and we're not even half of the road we have ahead. The estimated time for us to arrive to Edinburgh is in 6 hours and twenty minutes. That's a long way ahead. 

The car is silent right now, for the past half hour he was telling me about these great photographers he's a fan of, describing me their work with detail. He even got the pleasure of working with one of them for a photo shoot, the perks of being famous, I guess. He told me everything he learned from him, from the way he works with the lights and shadows to the way he behaves so you feel more comfortable in front of the camera. He really likes photography, I see. It reminds me of that time he told me that he was raised to play the violin, he talked about it with so much passion that its entertaining to hear.   

Now that we are both quiet, my thoughts are keeping me distracted. 

I can't keep my mind off what he said to me about an hour ago. He told me he fell for me back then... How am I going to keep that off my mind? I can't. I didn't want to ask further because I was having a panic attack - well, almost - but... It makes me incredibly happy because I fell for him too, even if its hard for me to accept. Its not like I fell in love with him but I definitely felt something, and something strong. 

I'm still wondering, why me? Why did he invite me? He said it himself, its been eight long months and he doesn't feel the same way as he did back then. I guess I'll have to find out later, not right now. I'm not ready to have that conversation yet. I don't want to push it. 

Just the thought of him thinking about me makes me blush. I can't believe it, I really thought he forgot about me after our flight. I guess I was wrong, terribly wrong. 

"Tsss. Damn." I hear Harry say from his seat. When I turn to look at him I find him frowning with one eye closed and a gritted grin. 

"What's wrong?" By his expression I don't know if he's in pain or just laughing at something. He moves his left foot tapping the floor of the car repeatedly, as if he were in discomfort. 

"I need a wee." He says and then bites his bottom lip, scrunching his nose. 

"Oh, I thought you were in pain."

"I am in pain." He says to me holding onto his inner thigh. "Fuck, we need to make a stop." 

"Here? We are in the middle of nowhere." I say moving my eyebrows up, looking at him. "There's not a bathroom near. And its drizzling." I point out.

"Unless you want me to pee my pants, we are making a stop." He glances at me right after turning the wheel to the left, leaving the pavement road and stopping the card right next to a field. "Stay here." 

"Where are you going?!" I ask frantically as I see him open the driver's door. 

"To wee!" He answers me like if it was the most stupid question someone could have asked. 

Then, he leaves the car throwing the door on his way. I stay inside with my mouth open, turning my head to where he is running. He hides between some bushes checking if someone is around. I stare with my mouth wide open, he is insane. It makes me frown but at the same time this whole situation its hilarious. 

"Are you seriously peeing there?" I ask once I roll the window down, feeling a few drops hit my hand. He turns his head to look at me and he blushes. 

"Frances! I'm trying to have a wee!" He yells from where he is, making me laugh. "If you look I can't... I can't do it."

"Now you know how it feels when someone snoops on you." I yell back, hiding my laugh. "Now we're even."

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