Help You Through It

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Nick tried to keep an eye on her. Break ups suck, he knew that. Especially when you've been with a person for as long as Demi's been with Wilmer. But things just didn't work out anymore. The singer never thought it would actually happen this fast. Just a few weeks ago, when they started touring, Wilmer was so proud and they seemed so in love. Funny how everything can change in a matter of days. Moments like that made it hard for him to believe in eternal love. It made it hard to believe that you'd ever find a person you're gonna be with forever. Was it just their generation that felt that way? What did they do wrong? Their grandparents and parents managed to love each other for years and years and this generation fails to stay together for just a decade? Something was seriously wrong about that.

The whole day was tough for Demi. Nick could tell that she tried not to let it affect anyone, but they all knew she was hurting and suffering. It wasn't surprising, though. Wilmer was her safety net for so long and suddenly, that safety was gone and she was forced to look out herself again. There is no one beside her when she'd get home who'd tell her when she's acting up again, there's no one who'd hold her when she had a rough day. She'll be alone, just her and her puppy and Nick didn't like that idea. And he had no idea how right he'd be about his worries in just a few hours.

After a long day of rehearsals the singer walked into their hotel. It was nice to finally sleep in a real bed and not some bunk bed in the bus that was way to small for him. He would've probably ended up sleeping on the couch again. Just as he was about to open the door to his hotel room, he took a deep breath and his thoughts wandered to his best friend who stayed just next door. He looked over to the door and bit his lower lip. Nick knew he couldn't let her be alone right now. Even though she told him she was fine, the look in her eyes and that forced smile on her lips told him how much she needed someone. Nick sighed and pushed the key card back into his pocket, walking over to Demi's door.

"Demi?", he asked after he knocked and waited for her to open the door. "Demi, open the door, please. I don't want you to be alone right now.", he said and juts a few seconds later the female opened the door and Nick's heart broke into a million pieces. Her eyes were red and puffy, her tear-stained cheeks looked pale and her fragile body was wrapped into a blanket. "Oh Demi.", Nick whispered and stepped into her room, immediately wrapping his arms around his best friend. Demi buried her face into his neck and he could feel her shaking. He knew she was crying again.

"I'm here. Ssshh.", he hummed and kissed the top of her head, leading her into the room. As soon as they reached her bed, Nick froze. There was a bottle of vodka standing on the table. He took a deep breath as Demi pulled back from him and walked over to the bed again. She climbed onto it and leaned against the headboard again. "Demi..." The brunette looked up to Nick and swallowed hard. "I didn't open it.", she said weakly and licked her lips, her eyes shifting over to the bottle. "But...I'm so, so close to stop giving a fuck.", she admitted and Nick took a deep breath. "I'm such a failure.", she said and her voice broke.

"It's been three days and I already put my recovery at risk. Good job, Demetria.", she said and chuckled bitterly. Nick kicked off his shoes and climbed into the bed next to her. he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her against him, his fingertips moving through her hair gently. "You're far from being a failure, Demi.", he said and looked at the bottle. Just thinking about what could've happened made him feel sick. Thinking about what could've happened if he would've been a few minutes later made him wanna cry.

Demi closed her eyes and leaned against her best friend's chest. "You're just saying that to make me feel better about myself.", she mumbled. "It's nice of you, Nick. But you don't have to lie to me." Nick pulled back and looked at her. He placed his hand on her cheek and made her look at him. "Listen to are not a failure, Demi. You're so strong. And you know why?", he asked and ran his thumb over her skin. "That bottle...", he said and pointed at the vodka, "...was right in front of you the whole time. You had a choice. You could've stopped giving a fuck...but you know what? You didn't.", he said and gave her a little smile. "I don't know about you, but I think that's fucking badass.", he said and smirked.

Demi looked into his eyes and her lips curled up into a tiny smile. "You think so?", she asked and Nick nodded. "Hell yeah. You're heartbroken, you're sad and you probably feel like the world's ending right now...a typical situation in which you would've probably grabbed that bottle and went out to a club six years ago. Right now you're sitting here and you choose not to touch it. That's strong. That's what makes you a role model. And that's why I'm so incredibly proud of you right now.", he smiled and kissed her forehead, letting his lips linger a little. "I love you.", he whispered. "I love you, too.", Demi whispered back, her voice filled with sadness as she cuddled up against him again and let him hold her.

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