Musical Jealousy

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I took a deep breath and tried not to seem to annoyed. My knuckles slowly turned white as I held onto the steering wheel tightly and hoped I could someone ignore the burning pain inside of my chest.

Demi sat beside me and kept on talking about how excited she was about what happened tonight. Of course I was happy for her and yes, I was extremly proud. It was her first Hollywood Bowl. And she dominated the crowed, just like she always does.

There’s something about her that just makes people happy. Everybody instantly felt the spirit and her smile brightens every room as soon as she steps in. Maybe that was one of the reasons I fell in love with her.

And now I was sitting here, feeling the jealousy building up inside fo me as she couldn’t stop gushing about Ed Sheeran. I knew she was fangirling so hard when he asked her to come on stage with her. After their little 5-minutes-rehearsal in the dressing room backstage, she was basically jumping up and down.

It wasn’t my place to be jealous. We weren’t together. But hearing how she loved the musical connection they had and how much of a nice and sweet and handsome guy he was made me want to cry myself to sleep.

It was just a few days ago that she asked me to come over and I heard her voice cracking on the other end of the phone. I somehow knew right from the beginning what was going on.

When I arrived, she immediately hugged me and cried against my chest. Her and Wilmer called it quits because he suddenly wanted all of the things Demi wasn’t nearly ready for.

It was the time she realized they wouldn’t be together forever and she ended it before it would be too hard. As much as she was hurting at the time, I couldn’t feel back for her, even if I wanted to. As bad as it sounds, I was happy about it.

I finally saw a chance to win her heart and actually being able to call her my girlfriend one day, but now she seemed to be way too smitten by this ginger, british, musical genius.

It was weird to feel like I would lose something that wasn’t even mine yet. I started to become way to possessive and actually kind of wanted to punch Ed in the face as I saw the way he hugged her and his stupid, big smile on his facce.

Demi and I arrived at her apartment and since she asked me to stay the night, I got out of my car as well and walked up to her apartment with her. She opened the door and immediately walked into the bedroom to change into some comfortable closes.

I did the same and waited for her to come back. It only took a few minutes as I heard fotsteps behind me and turned around, only to see her smiling at her phone.

"Ed said he loved performing with me and that he couldn’t wait for our collaboration to finally happen. I’m so excited!", she squealed and hopped up and down a little like a little girl in the candy store.

I sighed and clenched my teeth. “Cool. You two sounded amazing together.”, I said and tried not to show her that I was…well, what was I? I knew I was jealous, but it felt like there was more. Was I mad, pissed or upset?

Demi knew me better than anyone else and raised an eyebrow. “That didn’t sound that convincing, Jonas.”; she said and looked at me with these big brown eyes I fell for.

"Are you okay?"

There was no need to lie. She would notice I was lying anyways. I mean, I was a crappy liar, everyone would notice.

I let out an annoyed breath and took a step closer to her. “To be honest…no, I’m not okay.”

Demi’s confused expression changed into a worried one. “What’s wrong?”, she asked and licked her lips. Oh, how badly I wanted to kiss them.

"I’m gonna be honest with you, Demi. I…I fell in love with you. And hearing you say all these things about Ed and seeing how much you fangirled not about him as an artist, but about him as a person as well hurts."

Wow, I actually just said that. Demi looked at me with her mouth hanging open. She clearly didn’t know what to say.

"You know what? Forget it…I-I should probably go…", I said and grabbed my jacket, ready to head over to the door before I felt her fingers wrapped around my wrists.


I swallowed and looked back up into her eyes.

"Stay…", she said and came closer. I felt her breath on my lips and soon, she kissed me like no one has ever kissed me before.

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest and I wrapped my arms around her waist, holding her close to make sure this moment wouldn’t end.

After a few more seconds, she pulled back and looked into my eyes, smiling. “I’m glad you finally said what I was too afraid of.”, she said and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

"Does that mean, that…"

"I love you, Nick Jonas!", she said and kissed me again.

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