From that moment on, I was hooked

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It was their last show. It was the last time he'd be able to see her perform in front of an audience as big as this one. least for now. And knowing that made him weirdly emotional. She worked so hard. Not just on herself, but on everything else to make her dream come true and to get to the point in her life where she was now. He couldn't even express how proud it made him to watch her live that life. And for almost 10 years, he's been part of it. He's been by her side through good and bad and people around them joked about how they could act like an old married couple from time to time.

Nick always knew Demi was special. She was funny, she was smart and honest and she never took herself too serious. He admired that about her and whenever she was around, he could let loose. He sometimes didn't even recognize himself. In moments like that, he was his true self, the one he always wanted to be to around everyone, but his vulnerability got in the way most of the time. Demi was one of the very few people he felt so comfortable around that he didn't care at all.

Nick smiled to himself as Demi hit another high note just perfectly. She was so talented, it still blew his mind. The singer crossed his arms in front of his chest and smirked. He could stand there watching her perform for hours. It's always been that way. "Make sure you don't start drooling." Nick looked up and saw John standing next to him. He raised an eyebrow and John chuckled, pushing his hands into his pockets. "I know you. And I can see if you like a girl or not and with Demi...I've seen the same expression on your face all these years. It never changed.", he said and Nick licked his lips, putting on a smirk. "Seems like you don't know me that well then. It's not like I look at her like I'm lusting after her or something."

"True.", John said. "You look at her like she's the most beautiful girl you've ever laid eyes on. That's not lust in your eyes, bro." Nick swallowed hard. Deep down, he knew John was right, but he just never had the courage to act on his feelings. "Stop it.", he mumbled and John laughed. "See? I'm right...and you know that. Maybe you should do something about it because honestly, you'd be the most perfect couple. And I don't think Demi and Wilmer's break up has nothing to do with you.", he said and winked at Nick.

The singer sighed and looked at Demi who just waved at the audience and rushed off the stage. His smile got bigger, his heart started pounding and he could tell it skipped a beat as soon as Demi threw her arms around his neck. "You killed it.", Nick whispered into her ear, holding her close for a while. "I'm so proud of you." Demi pulled back and her big smile instinctively made Nick fall for her even more. He knew John was right. He knew he loved Demi. He always did. For as long as he could remember, she was the person he wanted to be with.

"I can't believe this was our last show...well, for now.", Demi chuckled and handed her microphone to one of the guys that worked backstage. "Crazy how time flies, huh?", Nick asked and they stared walked down the venue hallway. I think we should celebrate it.", Nick said and Demi looked at him as they reached her dressing room. "I'm not really in the mood for clubbing right now...but if pizza, crime shows and a big, comfy hotel bed is your type of partying, you can always come over later.", Demi smiled and punched Nick's shoulder playfully. "I see you later, Jonas.", she winked and walked into her dressing room, leaving Nick alone. He licked his lips and took a deep breath, smiling to himself.

That night, when they were all back at the hotel, Nick had ordered pizza for him and Demi. As soon as it arrived, he grabbed the box, his card key and phone and headed over to Demi's hotel room. For some reason, his heart was beating faster. It's not like they've never laid on the same bed with pizza and watched TV. But they've never been single at the same time and Nick has never been so aware of his feelings for her. The singer cleared his throat and knocked on the door. "Room service!", he said and smirked. Demi opened the door for him and leaned against the door frame.

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