Love At First Sight

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Nick walked up and down in the store, looking at all the instruments he had seen a million times before and that he can tell you everything about. All the good and bad aspects, if it’s right for starters or something professional musician can work with.

Week days were usually the most boring ones. He had no idea why, but it almost seemed as if school and work don’t leave any time for people to follow their passion for music anymore, which was frustrating because in the meantime, he can’t follow his passion, which was this store.

He opened it up a few months ago and he can’t complain actually. Just every now and then there were day he wished the hours would pass a little quicker.

Just as he was about to pick up one of the guitars and play a little while he waited for a customer, he heard the bell of the door as it opened and looked up. A young woman entered the store and immediately looked around to find what she was looking for.

She wore dark ripped jeans, a t-shirt with a really low cleavage and it looked like she cut it that deep herself. Don’t get it wrong, it didn’t look slutty at all, it was still kind of…classy.

She ran her hand through her brown hair and Nick licked his lips as he saw the side cut, the piercings on her ear and all the tattoos that seemed to cover her flawless skin. She buried her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket and walked straight to the pianos over at the right side of the store.

Nick took a deep breath and slowly walkedover to her. „Can I help you, Miss?“, he said and smiled politely as she looke dup to him with her big brown eyes and that face eating smile that almost took his breath away.

„Hey, uhm…yeah, I need some instruments. Like…everything you could possibly need for a show. Piano, guitars, basses, keyboards.“, she chuckled and that sound made Nick’s heart skip a beat. What was going on with him now?

„Wow, seems like you have a lot to plan, huh?“, he smirked and she nodded.

„You can say that. I’m a singer and me and my band are about to play in this new pub this weekend, but our instruments won’t arrive on time because of some complications, so I was wondering if we could lent some of your instruments here?“, she asked and he had a hard time concentrating around her when she looked at him with these big brown eyes.

„Uh…uhm, yeah. Yeah sure.“, he said and ran his hand through his curls. „Want me to show you some instruments? I have the best ones over there.“; he said and the young woman followed him.

After he showed her everything and they actually ended up making a deal, she bit her lower lip and squeezed his biceps. „Thank you so much. You’re really saving my life right now.“; she laughed and Nick laughed as well.

„Well, can’t leave you hanging, right? I’m a musician as well and I know how much it sucks when your instruments aren’t there or won’t work and yeah…“

„You play music as well?“

Nick nodded. „Not much though. My brothers and I write some songs everynow and then and play them at bars of clubs.“

The brunette smiled. „What’s your name?“, she asked and leaned back at one of the pianos.

„Nick…“, he said and held out his hand for her.

„It’s nice to meet you, Nick. I’m Demi.“, she said and Nick smiled even more now. Something about her style, her voice and her name just screamed popstar.

„So, when exactly is that performance? I might come see it.“, Nick said and swallowed hard.

„Saturday night at 8. I would love to see you there.“, Demi smirked and for a while, it got quiet between them.

„Well, I gotta go. My band will make sure to pick up the instruments tomorrow and…I hope we’ll see each other again soon.“, she said and smiled. Nick chuckled a little and followed her to the door.

„I think we will.“, he said and opened the door for her, watching her leave. She turned around one last time, waved at him and got into her car before driving away.

Nick spend some more time looking after her and even though he never believed in love at first sight, this woman might’ve proved him wrong.

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