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[February 23rd 2018, 8.34am] Demi: Hey Nick. Hope you're doing good. Tour starts in three days and I really hope we get to catch up before I'm on the road again.

[February 25th 2018, 11.25am] Demi: Hey you. I really hope you're not too busy right now. I would love to talk to you again before I have to head on tour. Let me know when you're free.

[February 30th 2018, 3.47pm] Demi: Please call me. Really want and need to talk to you. I miss you terribly.

[March 8th 2018, 10.39pm] Demi: You've been ignoring me for weeks now. Could you at least let me know why? It would be cool to see you at one of my shows.

[March 19th 2018, 5.46pm] Demi: Nick, just call me already. Stop ignoring me. Jfc, what's wrong with you?!

May 8th 2018, 10.15 pm:

Demi looked up to Nick's apartment from her car, clenching her fists around the steering wheel of her Mercedes. The anger inside of her grew more and more with every day that he ignored her without giving her a proper reason. The last time they've talked face to face was in December when they were both performing on the same show and Nick flew back home with her. That night was the night that took their friendship to a whole new level. What was just a fantasy she wrote about in her songs became reality and ever since that day, Demi couldn't forget the way his touch felt on her skin, the way he kissed her, the way he moaned her was all so clear in her memory and it seemed as if Nick decided to just forget and ignore everything that happened between them.

The first few weeks afterwards, they'd text and talk on the phone occasionally. But those texts and calls got less and less as time went on. Sure, she was busy preparing for tour and Nick was busy doing his things, but they usually always found time to at least ask each other how they were doing. Why was he suddenly acting as if she didn't exist? And what she was even more curious about: why the hell did he unfollow her private account on Instagram? Not that she cared about who he followed and who he didn't follow, after all he still followed her public account, but there was something so passive aggressive about it that it made her blood boil.

The singer took a deep breath and shut off the engine of her car before she grabbed her phone and got out of the car. Demi ran her hand through her dark hair, pushing it out of her face as she headed up to the building with confident steps. She saw the lights in his apartment, so she knew he was home. He wouldn't get away with ignoring her now. She'd make sure he finally told her what his problem was.

Demi made it up to his apartment and knocked on the door, pushing her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket as she waited for him to open the door. The footsteps behind the door came closer and closer and as soon as she looked into his brown eyes, all the anger she felt, all the words she wanted to shout in his face vanished. She could feel her heart skip a beat. Sadness took over and she licked her lips as he looked at her with a surprised expression.

"D-Demi...what are you doing here?" he asked and swallowed hard.

The singer inhaled deeply through her nose and blinked to keep the tears from falling. "I'm sorry." she said and Nick frowned little.

"I honestly don't even know what I'm apologizing for because you don't seem to think it's necessary to tell me what I did wrong, but apparently there must be something I did wrong so...I'm sorry. I'm sorry for whatever it is that made you ignore me for over two months. I'm sorry." she said, shrugging as a tear rolled down her face.

Nick's expression softened and he looked down on the ground, running his hand over his head. "Demi..." he started and the brunette shook her head.

"No, it's fine. You didn't wanna talk the last months and I wouldn't be surprised if you don't wanna talk now. Just know that I fucking miss you. And there have been times that I really needed my best friend, but he wasn't there. And I still have no idea why." she said before she wiped away her tears. "I should probably go. It was a stupid idea to come by..." she said and shook her head before she turned around and headed down the corridor again.

"Demi, stop..." Nick said and followed her, cutting off her way. "I-I..."

Demi looked up to him, pressing her lips together. "You can't even give me an explanation now? Really?" she sighed and shook her head. "You know what? Screw it..." she said and tried to walk passed him, but he grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

"I was jealous." he said and Demi turned around to look at him, a confused frown on her face. Nick took a deep breath and let go of her wrist, looking at the ground. "I missed you so much. All I ever wanted was to be around you 24/7 and then you disappeared. After we had sex, you took forever to reply to my texts and I felt like it ruined everything between us. Instead, I saw you hanging out with Lauren, being all flirty and touchy with her. It was all over your Instagram and I just couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't bare seeing the woman I love being like that with someone else."

Demi's jaw dropped. Did he just admit he loved her? For real? "N-Nick..."

"So then  I was the one who stepped back. And I watched it from the side for a while until it broke my heart way too much so I pressed the unfollow button." he sighed. The singer ran his hand through his hair and shrugged. "I guess I should've said something sooner, I'm sorry."

Demi wiped away a tear that rolled down her cheek. "Yes, you should have." she said and nodded in agreement. They stood together in silence. Nick kept his eyes on the ground while Demi took in every inch of his face.

She loved this man so much. She always did. It took forever for her to realize it and maybe spending time with Lauren was her way of trying to get rid of these feelings for Nick. But it didn't work. The time they spend apart only made her love him more.

Demi chewed on her lower lip and took a step closer to him, reaching for his cheeks. Nick looked up to her, his eyes filled with so much love and admiration that it almost made her burst into tears. Demi ran her thumbs over his skin, feeling the stubbles beneath her fingertips. "Tell me you love me."

Nick's lips turned into a little smile. "I love you, Demi. I love you so much." he said and instead of saying the words out loud, Demi leaned in and pressed her lips against his for a deep and passionate kiss. It was enough for Nick to know she felt the same. 

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