London Bound

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Nick looked up as he saw Joe approaching his table after Priyanka left. He knew he was in for another pep talk and he mentally prepared himself to be reminded of all the things that went wrong over the last few months over and over again. As soon as his big brother sat down, Nick locked his phone and placed it down on the table in front of him. "Are you having fun?" Joe asked and leaned back in his seat, looking at Nick with an intensity that sent shivers down the younger brother's spine.

"Of course. Why?" he asked and grabbed his glass, looking around at the guests. Priyanka was talking to his mother and Nick took a deep breath. He knew their relationship, if you could even call it one, was wrong. Wrong because he didn't feel the same way about her that she feels about him. He had to admit to himself that he was using her and he also had to admit that it wasn't quite working the way he hoped it would. What made everything even worse is the fact that Joe caught up to his lie immediately and made sure to remind him of it every chance he got.

"Just wondering. You look like someone forced you to be here." Joe said and shrugged. Joe knew what was going on in Nick's mind and it was ridiculous that he had to push him so hard to do the right thing. He still wasn't successful, but tonight, he was going to make sure Nick grew a pair and admitted his feelings. The feelings that Joe saw years earlier, that everybody saw years early...everybody but Nick.

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm having a great time." Nick said and took another sip of his drink.

"Really? Seems like your face hasn't quite caught up on the fact that you're enjoying yourself with your new girlfriend." Joe said and Nick shot him an angry glare. The singer raised his hands in defense and shrugged. "I'm sorry, but you're not happy, Nick. You're not enjoying yourself and you know why." he said.

Nick clenched his teeth and avoided his brother's eyes. Why was it so hard to admit? He didn't love Priyanka, he was never going to fall for her. She was just someone who kept his mind off of the one person he's been in love with for years and that was now cutting him out of his life...because he didn't take a hint. It could've been so great between them. They could've been happy. And he blew it. And while doing so, he broke her heart, something that he still couldn't forgive himself. He probably never will.

Joe sighed. "Nick, cut the crap. I'm serious. You're sitting here, forcing a smile whenever Priyanka is near you and you think people will believe it? It's bullshit. You know that. And you know how you could fix it, but you're acting like a coward right now."

Nick frowned at his brother. "A coward? Joe, I wasn't the one to decide that our friendship was over. Demi did that on her own."

"And why? Because there's only so much she can take before she steps away to protect herself from another heartbreak. You know that. We all do. And still, you let it come that far. What happened to you? That's not you, Nick. Especially not when it comes to Demi. You've always been by her side, you always dropped everything whenever she needed you and now that she needs you the most, you ignore it."

Nick leaned his head back and groaned in frustration. "What am I supposed to do, Joe? It's too late, she made her decision. Yes, I admit it, okay? I fucked up. There's nothing I can do about it now. So I might as well try to move on and forget about it...and her..." he sighed and Joe shook his head.

"You love Demi. Demi loves you. We know she's stubborn, so don't be stubborn as well, it's only gonna make things harder. I hate seeing you like this and I hate seeing Demi like this as well. You are the only one who can fix this right now, Nick. But instead you sit here and act as if nothing's wrong. Fucking another woman won't make you fall out of love with Demi, Nick. You know that. Priyanka might be a good distraction for a while, but she will never own your heart like Demi does. It's time for you to realize it before it's too late." Joe said. He was angry at his younger brother, but at the same time, he felt bad for him. It was time that someone kicked his ass and told him what to do.

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