Ch. 2

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Lealas pov

"So what are we going to do Leala? I mean it's been 15 years. Mikey is probably making dinner and the cake." Lily asked as we walked the sewers. "Hmm how about we change up there weponds a bit? Make them personally theirs? And we have to get splinters new robes today too." I suggested as we went human. We were nearing the man hole beside the clothes store where we put an order for sensi's robes. "That sounds amazing!! Can I do Leo and Donnie's? Please?" Lily said giving me her best puppy dog eyes. "Oh all right. Come on lily up you get. Time to get the robes." I said pushing the man hole over. "Yay!" Lily squealed as she pulled herself out of the hole.

We quickly slipped into the clothes store a block down. "Welcome girls, my name is Carrie how may I help you today?" Asked a chipper girl behind the counter. "A pick up under the name of silverleaf." I said using the last name lily and I picked for ourselves. "Ah that one, Just a moment please." Carrie said as she turned to the store room. "Wow Leala look at these fabrics. We could use some for the surprise!" Lily said excitedly as she held out the colors of all our bandanas. "Oh all right we can get some of that too. Get about a yard of each color. Ok lily." I said with a sigh as lily started to cut the cloth. "Here you go ladies. Anything else?" Carrie asked as she stepped out from the storeroom. "Yes these" said lily as she placed the fabrics on the counter. "That will be$35 please." Carrie said wrapping the cloth in paper and sticking them in a bag with splinters robes. I paid the money and gave lily the bag. We hurried back to the man hole. I pulled the cover off and held the bag as lily hopped down. I handed her the bag and slipped into the sewer. I pulled the cover back over and we walked back to the lair. "Lily see if it's clear. We don't need the boys seeing us." I whispered. Lily nodded and ran ahead she peeked around the doorway. "Clear!" Lily said softly. We scurried into our room and closed the door.

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