Ch. 4

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*leala pov*

As we stood waiting for my sister I heard the boys whispering to themselves. "What you boys talking about?" I asked walking closer. "Nothing!" They said together. "I'm here you guys!" Lily called as she raced up the steps. "Finally! Sensi has already debriefed us on the rules. Now come on!" Leo said turning and entering the sewers. We all followed silently. Lily and I shared a look and smiled. "How have they not realized we broke the rules about topside?" Lily asked softly in my ear. "Hmm not sure." I said back. We giggled then ran into the boys shells. "What's the hold up? You know some days I hate being the shortest!" Lily said trying to see over their shells. "Hush up or I'll make ya!" Raphael said. "We are at a man hole." Donnie said. I walked up and removed the cover and hopped up. Looking around and seein nothing I leaned over the hole. "You guys coming?" I asked sweetly. The boys then crawled out of the man hole and gazed about. "This is amazing!" Mikey said as they started to explore. Lily and I turned into humans and followed them. They managed to scare a pizza guy within the first ten minutes. When they opened the box we laughed at their faces. "What's so funny?" Leo said. "Nothing" we said as we started to walk down the street. We heard them going nuts over the pizza. Soon enough they found us sitting on top of a book store with a few new books. "Finally!" I said closing my book. "Thought you guys might have gotten lost." Lily said teasingly. "And you guys wouldn't have been?" Raphael said. "Nope!" Lily and I said together. We started to run along the roof tops. We stopped at the edge of one and looked around. "Look at that!" Donnie said pointing below us at a girl and her father. "She's beautiful!" He said. I noticed lily looked a little down cast when he said that. "She's the fist girl you've seen so of course she is!" Raphael said sternly. "Hey boys forget about us? We are girls if you haven't noticed! Come on lily let's go." I said crossly pulling my sister with me. We ran and leapt over buildings until we were about two blocks away. "Sis why did they say that? We have grown up with them." Lily said sadly. "Guys are weird. I'll talk to them about it. How about you tell me why your so sad?" I asked softly pulling my sister close. "Well I think ikindoflikedonnie." She murmured. "Little sis say what now?" I asked. "I kind of like Donnie." She said with little tears in her eyes. "Oh! Well why didn't you say so! It will work out sis. Even if I have to beat him to a pulp!" I said wiping the tears away. "Can we go home now?" Lily asked. "Sure thing! We can tell splinter about how his sons were treating us when we get back." I said pulling her up. We hopped down to the street and started looking for a man hole. All of a sudden a group of guys surrounded us. We started to fight but soon enough I heard something I never want to hear again. "LEALA!" Lily screeched as the guys managed to hold her down an bind her arms together. I ran towards her to find my way blocked by some more weirdos. "Let my sister go!" I yelled. "Kraang does not take orders from non kraangs. Destroy the sister of the one who is ours." A guy said. Then a van pulled up and the back opened reveling the girl and her father from earlier. I fought agenst the guys and as I did my sister was thrown in with the other people. "Lily!" I shouted and I fought harder, but by the time I had reached where she last was the van was gone and so was lily. I heard people come up behind me and I spun around. I saw it was the guys. "Where were you guys five minted ago! We needed help and now.. Now lily is GONE!" I yelled. "Leala calm down." Mikey said. I breathed deeply an still fuming I kicked a manhole cover off and dropped in. I ran all the way to splinter and fell into his arms. I explained everything including what his sons had said that made lily and I separate from them. Then the boys got back.

•authors note•

Sorry I took a bit to update. Stupid writers block. But thanks to splinterstruelove I managed to get inspiration for this part. Hope you enjoyed and please comment and vote if you so wish!

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