Ch. 6

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*lily pov*

As we sat in the cell and waited I watched April pace back and forth. It had been many hours and no one had come yet. There were creepy alien dudes walking around. "Maybe we could trick them?" April said pacing back and forth. "I doubt it." I said staring off into space. Then we heard fighting and I stood pushing them behind me. "They're in here!" I heard Donnie say. "We'll hold them off you open the door." Leo said. Then the fighting intensified. "Hurry up Donnie! You may have three fingers but your a genius!" I yelled through the door. "I'm going as fast as I can lily!" Donnie called. Then the wall behind us slid open and robots came in and grabbed us. I struggled as I was dragged away. Then Donnie opened the other door. "Leala!" I screamed when I saw my sister fighting. "Lily!" She cried turning. Then I was pulled away. I could hear them following us but the robot things were faster. 'Thats it I've had it with these things' I thought. Then I shifted into my turtle form. I whipped out my fans and started fighting the robots. I managed to free April but her father was placed into a helicopter and was taken away. I kept fighting as the robots surrounded April and I. Confession I'm not much of a fighter my sister got that gene. I could tell I was starting to faultier. "Lily!" I heard my sister and the boys call. I then saw them fighting there was to me through the robot army. I started to fight harder just so I could get near my sister. Soon enough we were fighting side by side protecting April. Then the robots were defeated. We took April back home and Leala never left my side. When we finally got back to the lair the boys filled me in on what had happened when I was gone. Splinter looked relived when he saw me but did not say anything. My sister decided it was time for bed for it had been a very stressful day for everyone. "Night guys!" I called over my shoulder as Leala dragged me to our room. "Night lily! Night Leala!" The boys called behind us. When we got to our room Leala checked me over making sure I was unharmed. She was muttering under her breath when she finished. "I'm sorry I worried you Leala." I said softly as I climbed into bed. "It's ok. It wasn't your fault. Those stupid aliens are the ones to blame." Leala said keeping her tone calm. "Oh. Hey sis?" I asked. "Hmm yea?" Leala answered. "You think Donnie will ever like me?" I asked blushing deeply. "Donnie? Hmm yea. I can see you guys getting together. He just has to realize his feelings for you. May we sleep now?" Leala said tiredly. "Yup!" I said snuggling under the blankets. Soon I was fast asleep dreaming my dreams.

•authors note•

Sorry it's been a while. Lots of homework and I've had like five tests. I hope you are enjoying it. I would LOVE any feedback you can give. So comment and vote if you so wish! I'm off to the bus. School awaits!

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