Ch. 10

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We hopped into the car and took off into the street. "Left, right, no left!" Donnie said directing Leo as we drove through the streets. The boys were arguing again so I tuned them out. When we stopped we followed Donnie to the movie theater. We heard a scream and we looked at Mikey. "Wasn't me!" Mikey said. We turned the corner and saw a man curled in the corner by a squirrel. "Aw it's a widdle squirrel!" I said softly. Then the squirrel looked at us waved a long mutated tongue at us then leapt down the mans throat. We carried the guy to the car and placed him in the car. "What will sensi say?" Leala said. "I'll handle sensi." Leo said. When we got back sensi was less then pleased but he went to meditate. While Donnie checked the guy out I helped as much as I could. "Is there two heads?" Mikey asked when we were able to see the squirrel. Then the man sat up and spoke gibberish. Then the squirrels came out of the man. We started to chase them around but were an able to catch them. One ran into Mikey's room and the other to the dojo. I followed Leo and Donnie into the dojo, while leala went with the others into Mikey's room. In the dojo we went full ninja mode. 'Weren't we already in full ninja mode?' I thought as we snuck around sensi. The squirrel climbed the bonsai tree. Leo and Donnie went after the squirrel as I watched incase it escaped. The squirrel leapt out of the tree and Leo followed it managing to grab it. The stupid squirrel screamed and sensi came out of his trance. "Is that a chipmunk?" Sensi asked in the middle of chiding Leo. "No. It's a squirrel sensi. A dangerous mutant squirrel." Leo said. The squirrel managed to get away. "I should have been in a deeper trance." Sensi said placing a crate over the squirrel.

*leala pov*

When we went into Mikey's room it was a mess. "When was the last time you cleaned your room? And when did you start wearing tighty whites " Raph asked. "That's a story for another day ok!" Mikey said throwing his undies onto the dresser knocking a pizza box on the floor. "Great idea! Here squirrelly squirrelly squirrel! Come get it!" Mikey said jumpin on his bed with a pizza slice on his head. Soon enough we were all eating pizza. Then the squirrel came out and raph started to attack it. The squirrel went down his throat. "Raph!" Mikey and I yelled.

*Lily pov*

We held raph down as he screamed for us to get the squirrels out. Soon enough they came out. Then they started to glow. The lights went out. I was a bit scared as I'm not a fan of the dark. "It's happening here as well!" Sensi said rushing in. We split up looking for the squirrels. Sensi gave the squrriels a good hiding. They then managed to get into the sewer system. "One must make the sacrifice for the greater good!" Sensi said. Donnie sent metal head into the sewer. "Master splinter I believe there is a kind o lesson to be learnt here. Like brains over bravery or something." Donnie said smugly. "I'd say the something part is most accurate." Sensi said. Then metal heads head was eaten. "I do not want to say i was right but, i was right." sensi said smugly. We then had to go into the sewers. Mikey was muttering about all this happening in his comics. Leala and I believed him somewhat. When we split up I went with leala. We found one of the squirrels and we fought it and soon enough met up with the others. We were all collectively fighting the squirrels when Mikey took off. We all kept fighting wondering what he was up to. Then Mikey showed up with popcorn. "Come get it squirrels!" Mikey said turning and running. We followed as fast as we could. Mikey led them to a thing of water and flushed them. "Boyakasha!" Mikey said then was grabbed by a squirrel. Raphael grabbed Mikey and stopped him from falling. Back at the lair the boys were talking about how we defeated the squirrels. "And what if they should escape?" Sensi asked. "Don't worry they can't get out sensi." Leo said. "Guys they made sequels!" Mikey said holding up his comic book. I mentally slapped myself and looked at leala. She was as scared as I was

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