Ch. 18

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*next morning lily pov*

I woke up to loud clanging from the kitchen. I sat up and rubbed my head. 'Ow.' I thought as I put on my mask and some clothes. I stumbled out of my room and into the kitchen where I saw the boys were "trying" to make breakfast. "Um where's Mikey?" I asked from the doorway. "Still sleeping!" Said leala from under the table. "Ah!" I said before a loud scream echoed through the lair. Then Mikey ran out of his room and he was covered in little dots. "What happened!" Leala said standing and rushing to him. "Quick get him to my lab!" Donnie said. We rushed Mikey to the lab and Donnie started running tests. I helped the best I could. "What happened!" Splinter said looking at Mikey. "We're not sure sensi!" I said as calmly as I could. "Mikey, what happened?" Splinter said looking at Mikey with a skeptical look. "I I'm sprinkled a bit of mutagen on my skin. I thought it would make me cooler then what I was. It says super cool on the side!" Mikey said showing us the canister. "Mikey that says super cooled! It dangerous!" Donnie said yelling slightly. "You could have made it more obvious!" Mikey said. Donnie turned the jar and showed him the warning labels all over the sides. "Still not clear enough." Mikey said crossing his arms. "What will happen to him!" Leala said frantically. "According to Donnie's tests, in about three hours Mikey will go boom." I said softly glancing at Mikey. "Can you fix him?" Leala said turning to Donnie. "I should be able to make an antidote with the leftover mutagen but I will need the tetrafuge to mix it." Donnie said. "That was at TCRI!" Leo said. "Let's go!" Raph said.

"Wow!" I said when we got to TCRI. "Haha yea now lets look for that tetrafuge!" Mikey said. "Tetrefuge!" Donnie said as we searched. They ended up seeing an old frienamy of there's before a late dog fell from the roof. We started to fight the dog whom apparently was named dogpound. We were beaten and dogpound and the strange man got away. When we were able to head back to the lair we were trying to figure out where they could have gone. "Could they have gone back to TCRI?" Leala asked as we walked into the lair. "No. I don't think so." Raph said. "They could have went to stockmans lab!" Mikey said. "I doubt it." Donnie said. Mikey snuck away his zits larger then earlier. Leala and I looked at each other and snuck after Mikey. We heard him mumbling to himself. "Hey. We believe you." Leala said. Mikey smiled and the three of us took off toward stockmans lab. Getting there we saw that we were right. We tried to get the tetrafuge but dogpound saw us. We started fighting and somehow dogpound was thrown into the tank of mutagen. Dog pound climed out of the tank changed. He now was slimmer with black fur. His fangs were sharp and his claws were razor sharp. I whimpered softly becoming scared. Then Leo, raph, and Donnie came rushing in. "What happened are you guys ok?" They asked. I nodded an pointed at the new dogpound. "Um who is that?" Raph said. Mikey and leala were thrown towards us. "That's dogpound but now I call him razar!" Mikey said. We all then leapt into battle. Mousers came out and we kept fighting. Then Mikey had us leap to the rafters and made the sprinklers go off causing razar, stockman, and fish face to become shocked. "Way to go Mikey!" Leala said. "Yea but I probably ruined the tertafudge." Mikey said sadly."I would not be so sure." Raph said holding out the tertafuge.we rushed home and Donnie whipped up an antidote. Mikey rubbed it on and his zits went away. "Look I'm cute again!" Mikey said happily. Leala and I laughed. "So you have you learned your lesson?" Splinter said. "Yes sensi. And I told you! I told you!" Mikey said turning to his brothers causing leala an I to laugh more. After the exciting day we decided to watch a movie. I curled up on the couch under a blanket between Donnie and leala who was sitting beside Mikey. Raph and Leo sat on the floor with spike on a cushion near raph. Mikey put in grown ups and we all settled in. Over time I started to dose off and soon I was out

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