Ch. 5

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*Donnie's pov*

When we got back we found Leala crying into sensi splinters shoulder. "Leala I need to speak to my sons alone for now. Go to your room for now. I will come by when I'm done here." Sensi said kindly. "Hai sensi." Leala said softly. She walked to her room her head bowed. "My sons come here." Sensi said. We went an kneeled before him. "Now tell me what happened." He said patiently. "Were should we start?" Leo said. "Before lily and Leala took off." Sensi said. "Well we had stopped on the edge of the roof tops to take in the view when Donnie saw this girl and her father."Leo said. "He said she was pretty so I told him it was the first girl he saw so of course she was pretty." Raphael said. "The girls took offense and ran off."I said quickly. "Then some weird guys came and cornered the girl and hr father." Mikey said. "We had to help them sensi. So we tried but we ended up hitting each other." Leo said. "When they drove away we heard the screams of lily. We went to investigate. When we arrived we were too late. Leala snapped at us and apparently went to you."I said calmly. "Then I followed one of them and it was a robot with a brain in its chest!" Mikey said. "Mikey!" Leo raph and I said. "I see why the girls were distressed. Your words were hurtful. Lily and Leala are girls, Raphael. If you had not said those things lily may still be with us. As for your fighting I take the blame. You have been trained and individuals not as a team. If you are to be a team you will need a leader." Sensi said. "May I be leader?" Leo asked starting a small squabble. "Leo shall be the leader." Sensi said as he went to comfort Leala.

*meanwhile in Lily's pov*

"Let me go you creeps!" I shouted as the van bounced along the road. "I've tried that. What's your name?" Asked the girl. "Lily silverleaf." I said softly. "Oh I'm April o'neil and this is my father." April said pleasantly. "Hi." I said softly. Then the van stopped and we were thrown into a cell and were unbound. I looked out the window and sighed. I sat and started to meditate. "What is she doing?" I heard April's dad say. "Meditating I think." April said. I soon enough zoned out waiting for my older sister to rescue me.

*on the roof of a building about 3 miles away* *leala pov*

"So that's your plan Leo?" I said looking at the building he was pointing to. "Yup!" Leo said. We waited about two hours before the van pulled up. The driver panicked when we dropped in front of him and he started to drive away. We followed him and Leo popped the front tire. The van flipped and we landed next to it. We opened the back and a can aster fell out. "Mom?" Said Mikey. "That's the stuff that made well us!" Said Donnie. The guy moaned so I picked him up and slammed him agenst the wall. "Where's my sister!" I yelled at him. "Leala calm down." Leo said. "Not till he tells me where she is!" I said angrily. "What's your name and your plans for the girls and the ones dad?" Raphael said waving the container in front of the guy. "Names snake. Their called kraang they need scientists for something. And I have no clue on the one girl." Snake said. I dropped him and stalked off. The boys dragged him after me. We then were thinking about what to do next when Mikey started complaining he was hungry. "Mikey!" I said when I turned and snake was gone. We all chased snake. I separated from the boys. Not finding him I walked back to the others. "Midnight we will get them back." Said Leo. "Alright!" I said perking up. We all went back to the lair to prepare for tonight's rescue mission.

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