Ch. 8

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After the ship was crashed we ran to April. We watched as this big bat thingy carried her away. "APRIL!" Donnie cried out. I looked down and saw a canister of mutagen laying broken on the ground. "Um guys I think that thing is mr. Oneil!" I said picking up a piece of the canister. The guys all stared at the canister. "What have we done?" Leala asked softly. "We will fix it. First lets go to the lair we need a plan." Leo said. We started walking back to the lair when I noticed that Donnie was still standing on the rooftop. I went back to him and laid my hand on his shell. He looked down at me and I gave him a comforting smile. I grabbed his hand and lead him down to the lair. When we got there they others were sitting in the living room bouncing ideas off of each other. Then sensi came in. "What are you up to?" Sensi said. "Sensi say an animal got out.. A pet. What would be the best way to catch it?" Leo said. "Food of course." Sensi said turning and walking away.

Later that night we were flying over the city Mikey dressed as a fly and hanging from a rope below Raphael. Soon enough mr. Oneil came flying at us. We swirved out of his way and Leo landed on his back. Donnie was knocked off course. Raphael and Mikey started to coral mr. Oneil into the warehouse. Leala and I went ahead and waited in the ware house. The boys managed to get him inside so we pulled the lever. The cage fell on top of mr. Oneil just as Donnie and April ran in. "Dad!" April cried out and ran to the cage. "Don't worry April we will fix him." Donnie said. "Yea sence it's our fault." Mikey said. "What did you say?" April asked looking at all of us. "The mutagen fell from the ship because the bottom door had opened. The canisters fell and one landed on your dad. But don't worry we will fix him!" Mikey said comfortingly. "You mutated my father!" April screamed. Mr. Oneil did not like the screaming of his daughter so he ripped the cage open. He tried to grab April but Donnie whacked him on the head. Mr. Oneil then flew into the night. "April I'm so sorry. I promise we will find a cure for your father." Donnie said laying a hand on April's shoulder. "No! Don't touch me! I never want to see any of you again!" April said before running out of the warehouse. "April!" Donnie cried out and started to follow. "Let her go man. She just needs some space." Raphael said patting Donnie's shoulder. We all then walked to the lair. Leo went to explain to splinter what had happened and the others wandered about. Donnie collapsed on the couch and laid there. Leala nudged me towards him as she walked over to Mikey. I went to Donnie and sat near him. "Don't worry Donnie. Once we find a way to fix her father April will want to be with us again. Plus sence you are the smartest of the bunch you will find the cure." I said softly. "You think so?" Donnie said. "I know so." I replied patting his arm. He smiled softly at me then gave me a big hug. "Thank you lily." Donnie said. He then stood and went to his room. I stayed where I was an when he was gone a small tear slid down my cheek. 'It was the right thing to do. he truly cares about her. Even if it hurts me in the end he should be happy.' I told myself as I walked to my room wiping the tear away.

•authors note•

Hi! I hope you guys liked the chapter. I was tearing up as I wrote this. Please comment and vote if your wish. Remember I LOVE feedback!

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