Ch. 15

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We were all fighting against the kraang. I used dragons flight and many of the kraang died. I looked over at the others they were safe, but where was Donnie? I looked about and then saw shredder the others came up to me. "Not one move of the turtle gets it!" Shredder said loudly. "Let him go!" Raph shouted. "Donnie!" Leala and Mikey screamed. "What do you want with him shredder?" Leo asked frustrated. I whimpered softly and locked eyes with Donnie's. "nothing short of revenge!" Shredder said laughing evilly as he tightened his hold on Donnie and applied more pressure to the blade agenst Donnie's neck. "No! No! Not him! Take me instead!" I cried out pushing past the others and running up to shredder. "Sorry little girl!" Shredder said walking away and pulling Donnie with him. "Nooooooooooo!" I screamed as the doors closed and I woke up. I panted for breath. "Stupid dream." I mumbled to myself. I looked over and noticed that I had only been sleeping for two hours! I groaned and rolled over. Not getting comfortable and shredders laugh still lingering in my ears I snuck into the living room. Looking about I noticed that everyone was asleep. I sighed and wandered into Donnie's lab. I sat in my chair and spun around thinking of some way to calm myself. 'Ah that might work!' I thought to myself. I waved to Timothy as I grabbed some paper and started to draw an outline of a lily blossom. On other sheets of paper i made a book, a bonsai tree, a yin yang symbol, a turtle, a dragon, and a bird. As I worked I calmed down. I carefully hid my outlines for the devises I am going to make in my tool box. I looked at the clock and an hour had passed. I decided to go to bed and start working on my surprises tomorrow.

When I wake up the next morning I leap from my bed. I get dressed and grab my iPod. Racing into the kitchen I make myself a quick breakfast before leaping over the couch in the living room and racing into the lab. "Morning Donnie!" I say as I grab my tool box and place it on my desk. "Hi lily. What are you doing?" Donnie asked. "Oh nothing. Just a project I thought of. It's a surprise!" I said looking around. "I see. Need anything?" Donnie asked. "Um one of those divider thingys. I trust you but it is a surprise." I said softly. "Ah ok. Hmm oh here is one!" Donnie said lifting a divider and placing it around me. "Thanks Donnie!" I called over the top. "Your welcome!" He said back. I then got started. First up was the lily blossom. I carefully crafted metal pieces together forming what looked like a water lily. I looked up how to place songs onto a chip and put a song inside of it. 'Perfect.' I thought as I looked at the finished product. I them started on the others. Each one getting a different song.

When I was done I peaked out at Donnie. 'Good he's still working. I need to wrap these.' I thought to myself. I started to sneak out when I heard Donnie talking. "Don't worry April I will find a cure!" Donnie said looking at his pictures of April. I sighed and walked out of the room. I grabbed a few bags and some tissue paper before returning to my work space. I carefully wrap each one. I look around the divider and Donnie is still messing with his mutagen. I smile sadly and walk out with my bags. "Hey there sis!" Leala said from the couch. "Lily! What do you have in the bags?" Mikey said excitedly trying to grab them from me. "Oh go sit down!" I said laughing lightly. I called the boys out and they all sat down. "I made you guys something!" I said handing them each a bag. Mikey tore his open and held a small metal bird. "Cool! What is it?" Mikey said. "It's a music box." I said pointing to the key. He wound it up and then boom boom pow started to play. "That was unexpected to hear from a bird!" Leo said. "I love it lily!" Mikey said. "Haha ok now everyone open yours."I said smiling. Raphael opened his and found a turtle. Winding it up death before dishonor started to play. "Wow!" Raph said. Leo opened his and found a yin yang symbol. Turning the key you have to stand for something started to play. "Sweet!" Leo said. Leala opened hers and found a small book. Turning the key and me and my gang started to play. "Aww lily!" Leala said giving me a hug. Splinter opened his and found a bonsai tree. He turned the key and watching you played. "Very nice craftsmanship lily. The song is very meaningful." Splinter said inspecting the craft of the tree. I blushed and looked for Donnie but he did not come out. I sighed softly and stood leaving Donnie's gift on the table. I went to my room and walked out with mine the water lily. I wound it up and pocket full of sunshine started to play. Raph, Mikey, Leo, and leala wound there's and we started to dance to the combined music. Out of the corner of my eye I saw splinter leading Donnie into the dojo. I grabbed Donnie's bag and placed it in the lab for him. I glanced in the dojo and sensi was teaching him some lesson. "Hey lily! Come on and play a game with us!" Mikey called holding up a remote. "Ok!" I said leaping over the couch. We then started playing Mario cart

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