Ch. 19 part 2

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I looked at my clock an it was midnight. I stood up and grabbed my bag and laid a letter on my bed for her. Then I carefully snuck into each of the boys rooms and placed their letters down. Splinters was the hardest to do so I slipped it under the door. The note everyone could read I taped onto the tv. I then grabbed my iPod and slipped out going topside in the daylight and racing away. I turned on my iPod and started listening to music. As the sun set I settled under willow tree on the outskirts of the city. As I sat there I started to sing with the song. "Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye my love

I can't hide, can't hide, can't hide what has come

I have to go

I have to go

I have to go

And leave you alone

But always know

Always know

Always know that I love you so

I love you so

I love you so, oh

Goodbye brown eyes

Goodbye for now

Goodbye sunshine

Take care of yourself

I have to go

I have to go

I have to go

And leave you alone

But always know

Always know

Always know that I love you so

I love you so, oh

I love you so, oh

La lullaby

Distract me with your rhymes

La lullaby

La lullaby

Help me sleep tonight

La lullaby

(La lullaby, la lullaby)

I have to go (goodbye)

I have to go (lullaby)

I have to go (goodbye)

And leave you alone

But always know (goodbye)

Always know (brown eyes)

Always know (goodbye)

That I love you so

I love you so (goodbye lullaby)

I love you so, oh (goodbye)

I love you so (goodbye brown eyes)

I love you so (goodbye)

I love you so

I love you so

Goodbye brown eyes

Goodbye my love" I sang before turning off my iPod and falling asleep.

*mean while in the lair*

*leala pov*

I woke up and rolled over looking for lily as I needed to talk to her. I did not see her and sat up quickly. Looking at the clock it was about seven. 'Shes normally sleeping still' I thought as I stood and walked over to her bed. I gasped at the sight of the line paper. I grabbed it and started reading.

"Dearest sister,

I'm sorry but I have to go. By the time you read this i shall be many miles away. My feelings for Donnie have not changed but it seems he only cares for April. It also has occurred to me that I am a weak link. You are the stronger fighter out of the two of us. I must go and find somewhere I can discover who I am. I will come back someday.



I sat on her bed and tears started to fall. The boys all rushed in including splinter all clutching papers. "What did your notes say?" I asked softly. "Mine read:

Dear Mikey,

You always found a way to make me laugh. Even when I was down. I'm sorry to say that I have run away. You know how it feels to be the weakest fighter out of your brothers but I'm still the weakest one. I have to go. Be good to my sister!

Lily." Mikey read before breaking down with tears. "Raph,

I'm sorry but I'm leaving. I can tell I'm not needed here. Even my talent is not useful. Sorry about spike.


Raph said before smashing his fist into the wall. "Leo,

Space heros is a good show no matter what the others say. I have gone off on my own adventure. Comfort the others and please don't let them blame themselves.

Lily" Leo read sitting beside leala. "Donnie,

I have never had the courage to say this but I like you.... A lot. Part of why I'm leaving is because I say I can handle seeing you with April but I cannot. Every hug tears me apart. I understand that you don't feel the same so I'm leaving to spare me the heartache.


Lily" Donnie said softly and chocking as he held in sobs as he read the last lines. "Sensi,

Thank you for all you have done. I will always be the weakest fighter but I thank you for trying. I'm leaving to find my path so maybe I can become a stronger fighter and better ninja.

Lily. She also left this on the tv. Leala you can read it." Splinter said handing me the paper. "Everyone,

I'm sure you have all read the notes and raph don't go strangling Donnie! I'm going to find myself. Don't follow me. Lily. " I read. "We'll we have to find her!" Mikey said. "Yes you all do. Donnie stay here and think while the others go looking." Splinter said. I stood with the others and took off to find my sister.

*donnie pov*

I sat on lily's bed and thought back to everything lily had done for me over the years. The presents and care she gave only to me. I felt a stirring in my chest as I thought of her soft eyes and the light blush. I looked at the music box she gave me and in the dragons hand was a lily. Looking closer I noticed a willow tree carved into the pettles . "I'm so stupid! it was her all along!" I thought as I raced after the others. "Hey guys wait up! I might know where she's at!" I said. They stopped and looked at me. "At that would be?" Leala asked. "And why do you care?" Raph asked. "A willow tree. And I've realized I was blind. I have loved lily but April is human and it made me curious and I thought it was love." I said before leading the others towards the only place with willows I could think of. Soon we neared the location and we spread out searching the willow grove for lily. I pushed my way through the hanging branches and about five trees in I found her curled up and shivering under the tree. I sent a text on the tphone telling where we were and I sat and pulled lily into me. I softly hummed as we waited for the others.

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