Ch. 3

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*lily pov*

"We made it!" I said jumping up and down Grabbing the paints and brushes from the top shelf in our room. "Yes we did now for the fun part." Leala said pulling out the cloth from the bag and weapons from under the bed. I grabbed the katanas, the pole, two fans, the blue,purple, and lavender cloths, and black paint and a fine tipped brush. Leala grabbed the rest of the stuff and pulled it to her work space.

I started with Donnie's things. I took my bandana pattern and traced it on the cloth. Then I cut it out. On the ends of the bandana I painted a small owl. Putting it aside I grabbed the rest of the cloth and cut it into a long strip. I wrapped the strip of purple cloth on the hand grip then painted an owl on each end of the pole and one on the cloth handgrip. Laying that to dry I grabbed the lavender cloth and cut out my bandana. On the ends I painted lilies. On my lavender fans I painted a lily with silver leaves. For Leo's bandana I painted a yin yang symbol on the ends and his katanas had blue cloth wrapped on the ends with yin yang symbols on the ends. I looked over at Leala's work. Mikey's had skateboards, Raphael's had eagles, spike, rapheal's pet turtle, had a mini bandana in read with a little turtle on it, and Leala was just finishing up with looked like a book with a silver leaf on the cover. "These look amazing!" I said as I carefully wrapped the bandanas in tissue paper. "Yes they do. I cannot wait to see the looks on there faces when they see these." Leala said as she wrapped the weapons carefully. We both jumped when we heard knocking on the door. "Lily! Leala! Come on dinners on and I worked really hard on it!" A voice said from the other side if the door. "Come on lily. We better go before Mikey bashes the door in and ruins the surprise." Leala said standing carefully and placing her old bandana on and going turtle. " yea your right as always sis." I said pulling on my old bandana. We walked out of the room and ran right into Mikey. "We're coming we're coming." Leala said. We followed him in the kitchen where the other boys and sensi splinter were sitting. We sat down and Mikey served diner, Worms and algae. We started eating then Mikey brought out the cake. It was worms an algae with some sort of frosting. Splinter told the story of how we all became a family. " may Leala and I be excused now sensi splinter?" I asked softly "why is that little one?" Splinter asked looking at us kindly. "It's a surprise sensi." Leala said bowing slightly. "Ah. I see. Then of course you may. I will entertain the boys for a few more minutes." Splinter said his eyes laughing. Leala and I walked out of the kitchen and I closed the door. Then we ran to our room. We quickly took off the old bandanas and tying on our new ones. We grabbed the gifts and placed them in neat piles around the room. Then the boys knocked. "Come in!" Leala and I said together. "Happy mutation day guys! We made you got you gifts!" I said skipping around the room dragging the boys to there locations. I sat back down next to Leala on the couch. Splinter opened his first, the robe we ordered for him. It was a maroon color with his symbol on it. There were six circles surrounding it so we had each one with our color. "Thank you girls. I will wear it tomorrow." Splinter said folding his robes neatly. The boys dug into there presents. There was a chorus of wows, oh my's, and no way's when they looked at there personalized weapons and bandanas. "Tonight you may go to the surface. All of you." Splinter said gazing at his sons and the girls. "Woohoo" we all said. "High three" said Mikey putting his hand in the air. We all clapped our hands together. The boys put on their new bandanas and went to spend there time doing there favorite things. I decided to read the daemon king to pass the time.

. . . . . . "Come on lily!!! Hurry up or the boys and I are leaving with out you!" I heard Leala call from the entryway door. "Coming!" I called as I marked my page and ran out of the room.

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