Ch. 12 the dream and the story

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*the next morning*

*donnie pov*

I woke up and blinked quickly. 'Why am I in the living room?' I thought. I looked down and noticed I was covered with a soft blanket. It was then I noticed a weight on my one side. I looked and I saw lily sleeping peacefully. She was curled into my side and her hair was a thin veil over her face. I smiled at her and brushed a few strands away. 'She looks so adorable when she's sleeping.' I thought. I tried to get up as quietly as I could, but as I moved she murmured in her sleep and clutched my arm tightly. My heart hammered fast as i thought she ha awakened, but she went back to sleep. I sighed softly and got comfortable again. She sighed and snuggled into me. I smiled softly and watched her sleep. I glanced at the clock and noticed it was only three o clock so everyone would still be sleeping. I was starting to feel a bit tired again so I closed my eyes. Soon I was asleep again.

I woke to lily clinging to my arm tightly. I looked down and noticed that her facial expression was so scared. "Lily?" I whispered softly brushing back her hair. "No! Don't take him! Take me!" She said clutching my arm closer she then started crying. "Lily! Wake up! It's just a dream!" I said shaking her softly. "Nooooooooooooooooooo!" Lily screamed waking up. She whimpered as she looked around bewildered. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her close to me. She clung to me an started crying harder. "Shh lily It's me. It's Donnie. Don't worry it was only a dream." I said lightly rubbing her back. I looked around and was surprised no one woke up. I reached over and grabbed her blanket and laid it over her softly. Lily whimpered softly as she stopped crying. "Care to tell me what happened?" I asked softly. "No. It's bad if I told before breakfast. Could come true!" She said softly. "Will you tell me later?" I asked calmly. "Maybe." She said. I looked at the clock then and it was only four in the morning, there were still two hours before my brothers woke up. "Donnie?" I heard lily ask. "Hmm yes lily?" I said looking into her big light brown eyes. "Could you tell me a story?" She asked shyly. "Of course." I said chuckling softly. "Tell me a good one." She said. I had to think a bit. 'What would she want the story to be about?' I thought then I had it. "Once there was a king with two daughters, twins to be exact. They were the most beautiful girls in the kingdom. One day when the girls had grown the king told them to find something to do for he had important business to do. First the girls went to the court jester. His name is Mikey. He did fantastic tricks for the girls, juggling and telling jokes. The eldest princess liked his jokes the best while the youngest loved his antics. Next the girls went to watch the guards practice. The captain of the guard had the girls stand of to the side as he ran drills. The general of the army also participated. The captains name is Leo and the generals name is Raphael. They mock battled with the army and the guard. The eldest loved Raphael's strength at battle while the youngest liked the calm tactics of Leo. Next up on the girls visiting list was the inventor Donnie. He showed the girls his inventions. The eldest was not very enthused about them but the youngest was. Soon the king called for them and asked them how their day went. The girls went on and on about the people they met and saw. That night the girls were kidnaped by the kings brother. He wanted to rule the kingdom so he took them very far away. After a few weeks the king had given up searching but the four boys would not stop. They searched every where. One day they heard beautiful voises singing a well known song from the castle. The inventor and the jester snuck forward and saw the two girls playing in the stream. Thy rushed forward and grabbed the girls. Leo and Raphael ran behind them following Mikey and Donnie and the girls. The king was overjoyed at his daughters return that they could marry any of the boys who saved them. The eldest chose the jester for a kingdom needs laughter in its halls. The youngest thought and thought but she did not know who to choose. Finally she had decided. Do you know who she chose, lily?" Donnie said starring off into space. I glanced down when I asked her my question and she was sleeping peacefully again. "She chose the inventor. For he was the one who saved her, and would guide the kingdom with his brilliant ideas." I finished in a whisper. I managed to lay lily down on the couch before slipping into the dojo. I closed the door softly. "Donnie?" Leo asked behind me. "Leo I thought you was asleep." I said turning quickly. "I was but I heard lily's scream. But you had handled it so I snuck around you when you told your story. Which was quite interesting I must say." Leo said Patting the mat beside him. "What do you mean?" I said a small blush on my cheeks as I sat beside him. "Donnie don't play dumb it not you. I know what the story was about. Even If she doesn't. You like her." Leo said matter of factly. "is it that obvious?" I said blushing deeper. "Yea kinda." Leo said Patting my shoulder. We sat in silence for a few hours before we heard the others get up. I was contemplating on how I should act with lily. 'I will figure that out later.' I thought as we went into the kitchen to eat breakfast

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